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Subject: Re: Fiber Optic Update Date: Mon Aug 17 2020 12:50 am
From: Daryl Stout To: Barry Martin


 DS>   That has been the case with you around the clock. <g,d,r>
 BM> At least I'm consistent!
 DS>   At least you're not boring. <g,d,r>

 BM> Unlike..... <smirk>


 DS>   I've known at least 2 women where "they wanted to be the
 DS> dominatrix", as it were. That doesn't work...I don't want, or
 DS> need all that "drama".

 BM> Nope.  "You will" isn't a good statement for a relationship.

  Honeymoon: The period between "I DO" and "YOU'D BETTER". :P

 BM> Some people (like you) do have a reaction to the acid in tomatoes --
 BM> what caused them to be thought to be poisonous in the Middle Ages (?)
 BM> because the acid in the juice leeched the lead out of the pewter dishes and
 BM> sickened or killed people.

  The lasagna was much better...apparently not as much marinara sauce.

 BM> If antacids among condiments on the table, don't order anything spicy.

  What was your first clue??


... Prunes are raisins on steroids.
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In Reply To: Fiber Optic Update (Barry Martin)