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Subject: Re: Various Things Date: Mon Aug 17 2020 12:43 am
From: Daryl Stout To: Barry Martin


 BM> Yes, there are a few that are entertaining: GEICO has numerous entertaining
 BM> one. some of the Progressive Insurance ones with Flo are good.  Have a
 BM> regional restaurant called Maid Rite (on the original _Roseanne_ show the
 BM> references to 'loose meat sandwiches' was to their signature offering) with
 BM> a maybe 10-second spot pretty much consisting
 BM> of a photograph of the current special.  We'll just say it looks like a kid
 BM> took the picture with their cell phone.

  One from Geico awhile back had the theme from Peter Gunn...and Gecko
driving this "small car", and he pulls into the reserved parking space "Employee
Of The Month".


 BM> I'll take a look at a it late -- trying to catch up!

  I think the reason Jeff Dunham has such wild material at times, is because
he can do it.

 BM> Unfortunately.  It was interesting how Mpother Nature knew and man guessed.

  Only The Good Lord knows what's going to happen. You no doubt have heard about
the guy who shoveled 5 inches of partly cloudy off of his driveway. <G>

 BM> ... December 19: Underdog Day
 DS>   There's no need to fear...Christmas in 6 days will be here. <G>

 BM> Plenty of time to go shopping!

  Bah!! Humbug!! <G>

 BM> And then see the tagline for the day after.
 BM> ... December 26: National Whiner's Day.  (Hmmm: Christmas is the 25th!)
 DS>   Yep...especially when the bills arrive.

 BM> Which a lot of people seem to forget that reaction to a purchase.

  Or like "The Credit Card Song" that Dick Feller did years ago...


... If your dog and wallet are both on a chain, you might be a redneck.
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In Reply To: Various Things (Barry Martin)