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Subject: Re: FWIW - Shingrix Date: Tue Aug 25 2020 12:23 am
From: Nancy Backus To: Barry Martin

-=> Quoting Barry Martin to Nancy Backus on 20-Jul-2020 09:11 <=-

 NB>>> So you did end up with something other than the Snickerdoodle you
 NB>>> thought you were reaching for... :)   And good that you enjoyed
 NB>>> them anyway...  ;)
 BM>> Apparently I either mis-grabbed a different muffin box or decided to
 BM>> have a down-to-Earth blueberry to counteract the slightly decadent
 BM>> chocolate ones.  ...Anyone thinking next time they're on sale I'll be
 BM>> getting a Snickerdoodle?!
 NB>> I'd say it could be a distinct possibility... but not a done deal... ;)
 NB>> Depending, of course, on how much you obsess on the lost
 NB>> Snickerdoodle muffins in the meantime... and on whether or not they
 NB>> are available... ;)
 BM> Generally don't get too obsessive about food.  Right now thinking I'll
 BM> probably get a pack of the Snickerdoodle jumbo muffins just because they've
 BM> been talked about so much: we've sort of been doing our own advertising of
 BM> them!

And have you gotten them yet....?   ;)

ttyl          neb

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