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Subject: Re: computers Date: Tue Aug 25 2020 12:20 am
From: Nancy Backus To: Barry Martin

-=> Quoting Barry Martin to Nancy Backus on 20-Jul-2020 09:11 <=-

 NB>>> No thank you... I try to keep my replies to Barry to about 5, mostly
 NB>>> so *I* don't get inundated... ;)  But that does keep me running
 NB>>> behind.. ;)
 BM>> I need to combine the five messages into four to help you get caught
 BM>> up. ...Seems it would work on the surface but for some reason not! <g>
 NB>> Um.... no, I don't think it would work out all that well... ;)
 NB>> When the messages get longer, it takes longer to answer, so I'd
 NB>> probably not be able to do a full 5... ;)  I just need not to have
 NB>> weeks like this past one, where nothing was accomplished at all... ;0
 BM> Shorter messages also work out better on this end -- no problems with
 BM> the software and hardware, more a problem with the wetware looking for
 BM> a logical point to get a coffee refill!

There's some of that here, too... although not so much the coffee refill
as simply running out of steam.....  Good thing there've been short
messages in this bunch.... <G>

ttyl        neb

... Acronym....Your initial nym.

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