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Subject: Re: Number Correction Date: Tue Aug 25 2020 12:16 am
From: Nancy Backus To: Barry Martin

-=> Quoting Barry Martin to Nancy Backus on 20-Jul-2020 09:11 <=-

 BM>> Right: there is still a risk when gathering.  One thing when gathering
 BM>> with family and close friends, another with a semi-random group like
 BM>> at church.  Distancing is only a part of the health equation.
 NB>> Our church is small enough it's more like close friends... but each
 NB>> has to decide how to manage the risks and the details...  We do have
 NB>> options available, the service inside (with all the restrictions),
 NB>> the service being livestreamed still for those who can't or don't
 NB>> feel comfortable to come in person, and in the middle, we have the
 NB>> service broadcast on a close range FM frequency to listen out in the
 NB>> parking lot... I've been starting inside, and then go out to my car
 NB>> for the rest of the service... :)
 BM> Makes sense and seems to accomodate all options.  Only thing missing
 BM> is to broadcast the video to an outdoor screen in the parking lot!

I've heard that some churches have that option also.... ;)

ttyl        neb

... A hungry man with a seafood allergy looking at a Red Lobster menu

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