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Subject: Re: flood stuff was: Vacation Date: Tue Aug 25 2020 12:08 am
From: Nancy Backus To: Barry Martin

-=> Quoting Barry Martin to Nancy Backus on 20-Jul-2020 09:11 <=-

 BM>>> Yes -- and for game shows makes sense to do several shows in one day
 BM>>> while the crew is there, studio set up, etc.  Current Jeopardy! is
 BM>>> showing reruns of how the more winning contestants got to where their
 BM>>> final score was obtained.  Had read where one of the considerations
 BM>>> was taping the show without an audience.  With Jeopardy! the TV viewer
 BM>>> is usually unaware there even is an audience (though sometimes they
 BM>>> laugh or shown),  I'm thinking at least let the family and friends of
 BM>>> the contestants be there, spread out.
 NB>>> Would seem reasonable to me... or at least some group of those...
 BM>> To me also.  Probably some logistical issues and so easier to have no
 BM>> audience at all, or they're just waiting things out until return to a
 BM>> version of normal again.
 NB>> If they're considered a non-essential business, it would take longer
 NB>> to get going again, too....
 BM> True, though the way things are going in general audiences are going
 BM> to be verboten for some time.

Quite likely...

 BM> And of course there's the problem with
 BM> the number of various people required to create a show: not only the actors
 BM> and their circles of family and friends but the hair stylists, makeup
 BM> artists, wardrobe designers and their interaction with the
 BM> actors, so add their circles of family and friends to the equation. 
 BM> Now add in the production crew....

But all that could be done with distancing, to a large extent....
 BM>>> ... Be sure to finish speaking before your audience has finished
 BM>>> listening.
 NB>>> A rule for lecturers in general... :)
 BM>> Especially class when the bell rings!
 NB>> They are supposed to finish before the last bell rings, anyway... ;)
 BM> Didn't always work out that way!

True.... ;)

ttyl        neb

... Accountant to a fisherman: "So what's your net worth?"

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