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Subject: Re: Isolation Diary Date: Mon Aug 24 2020 11:50 pm
From: Nancy Backus To: Barry Martin

-=> Quoting Barry Martin to Nancy Backus on 20-Jul-2020 09:11 <=-

 NB>> Just a reassurance of sorts... the last messages I sent were
 NB>> indeed on the 13th, which you answered on the 15th... So you
 NB>> shouldn't have missed any... This past week got incredibly busy,
 NB>> along with being too hot and humid, so I've slipped a ways
 NB>> again... Hopefully things will be more normal this week.... :)

 BM> OK - was wondering what happened.  Was rather hot and humid here too;
 BM> a lot of nothing got done. <g>

It keeps being too hot and humid here.... plus now I have something
medical going on which is also being rather draining.... no, not Covid,
I tested negative for that a week ago, in preparation for a
gastroscopy.... hopefully this will be resolved sooner than later... :)
In the meantime, expect my appearances here to be spottier than usual
for a while.....

 BM>> Oh, we figured out why Autumn was having a little bit of problem doing
 BM>> arithmetic.  Sometimes counting on her fingers, which is fine. but
 BM>> seemed anything with adding five or more she'd give an answer one
 BM>> short (so if the answer was supposed to be 9 she'd answer 8).  The
 BM>> problem was the thumb: "count on your fingers": she wasn't counting the
 BM>> thumb as a finger!  She hadn't realized 'thumb' is the name of that
 BM>> finger! Discovered that shortly before she went home Wednesday.
 NB>> The strangest things can trip one up... ;)
 BM> Though once figured out usually makes sense.  In this case the thumb
 BM> has two names, really three: thumb, finger, and digit (the latter
 BM> wasn't brought up!).  I did do a quick test last week -- wasn't so much
 BM> to test the thumb-counting but I sort of felt like a little math fun
 BM> and she did get the answers right.

Good... she learned the concept.... ;) 
 BM>> Right: one of the 'detail things' that may occur from the pandemic
 BM>> lessons is 'plan ahead'.  We're (generic) used to going to the store
 BM>> and buying what we just ran out of now.  Great for convenience,
 BM>> not-so-great on cost savings.  Then there's the subset we (you and I
 BM>> tend to fall into this group) where we try to plan ahead: I don't need
 BM>> toothpaste now but my brand is on sale/has a coupon so if I buy it now
 BM>> I'll have it when I need it later, plus I saved some money.
 NB>> Yup, the subset has already learned the lesson... ;)
 BM> Hopefully!  Can still see situations where there just isn't spare
 BM> money to take advantage of sales, or to take advantage of the sale one
 BM> needs to not purchase some other item.
It partly is more of a lifestyle than anything else.... ;)
 BM>> That buying-ahead plan doesn't always work: maybe the pre-cooked and
 BM>> shelled eggs would keep but the raw ones in the carton would not.
 NB>> I think actually they have similar lifespans...
 BM> So much for that example!

Live and learn... ;)
 BM>> Plus some people are living paycheck-to-paycheck and buying for now
 BM>> is hard enough, much less buying for now and later.
 NB>> Although, if they can put aside enough to take advantage of the
 NB>> sales and/or buy in bulk, it actually can end up stretching that
 NB>> tight budget... :)
 BM> And possibly realize there is a light and the end of the long tunnel:
 BM> scrimp and save now to have a more relaxed finanacial future later.
 BM> ...I'm having problems as can come up with issues creating problems getting
 BM> out of the hole, plus what works for one person doesn't necessarily work
 BM> for another.

 BM>> OK. I noticed last Thursday the canned soups at Hy-Vee as almost full.
 BM>> Up until last week was definitely on the empty side with lots of
 BM>> holes, this week on the fuller side with only a few holes.  ...Didn't
 BM>> create any: not really a hot soup eater in Summer except for the
 BM>> occasional tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich for dinner.
 NB>> But at least they are available should you want them... :)
 BM> Yes: have a few in the cabinet (took advantage of sales!) so should
 BM> get in the mood for a hot soup meal in the middle of the hot and humid
 BM> summer it is there, and make a note to replace when on sale again.

That works... :) 
 BM>> True.  I'd guess a combination: numerous customers rushing out to get
 BM>> 'sheared': "I can't wait any longer!", so hopefully extra stylists
 BM>> available.  LIS (I think) the first couple/several days there was a
 BM>> wait of up to an hour.  Actually not bad considering each appointment
 BM>> is around 20 minutes, and now add time for the COVID-19 sanitizing.
 NB>> No that wasn't bad at all, really... :)
 BM> Right.  Haven't needed to go back for another haircut yet.  <checking> Hmm!
 BM> It's been about a month and a half; probably another two or three weeks.
 BM> Not growing too fast.

Been back yet...?  <G>   (Seeing as it's been more than a month.....)

ttyl        neb

... Old bakers never die, you just can't get a rise out of them!

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