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Subject: Re: rats Date: Sun Aug 23 2020 11:03 am
From: Daryl Stout To: Barry Martin


 DS>   That described the lesson learned by the blonde on the first
 DS> day of winter. It was the last class just before the Christmas
 DS> break...and she was initially thrilled that "it was the shortest
 DS> day of the year"... but, she was crushed when found out it was in
 DS> daylight hours.

 BM> It's those darned little details!

  It's like when I was at the National Square Dance Convention in
Houston back in 1987. One of the married ladies from my club (she, 
her husband, and I, were good friends, always razzing each other, 
and pulling each others chain <G>), was there, along with her
husband, and both of her kids danced as well. Being single, I was
looking for a dance partner, and I walked up to her, and asked
"Are you looking for a man??". I should have added the words "to
dance with". She grinned wryly, looked at me, winked, and said
"Always!!". I blushed big time!! :P

  She used to work in local ER's, and always razzed me that "if
you don't use a certain part of your body, it'll fall off" (you
can guess what she was referring to <G>). Boy, I've got news for
her <EG>. However (this may be TMI), when I asked about "a small
member", the doctor said "that's because you have a fat belly!!".
Talk about a punch to the gut...but I said "I have to have a shed
for my tool!!" :P

  I'm also reminded of the joke where Momma is potty training her
young daughter, and telling her "always look for the longer
name...WOMEN versus MEN...on the restroom door". This was 60
years ago, when you didn't have to worry about pedophiles, etc.
at the interstate highway rest stops. When Momma and her daughter
went on vacation, they'd always stop off for a picnic lunch at a
highway rest area...and Momma would tell her "Remember what I 
said", as her daughter headed off to answer the call of nature.

  As an aside, when you don't have to go potty, there are toilets
and restrooms everywhere. But, when you're in the middle of nowhere,
with not a toilet or tree to be had, nature calls (it never fails!!).

  Anyway, her daughter gets to the restrooms and remembers what
Momma says...but the signs note "LADIES versus GENTLEMEN"...guess
which one is longer?? <BG>

  So, she walks in there, and here's a young boy, naked from the
waist down, and she asks him "What are you doing??", and seeing
his penis, asks "What have you got there??". He tells her, and
the girl, amazed, says "Boy!! That's a handy thing to have along
at picnics!!". I would've loved to have seen the look on Momma's
face when she told her!! <BG>


... Veni, Veci, Wee Wee - I came, I saw, I have to go potty.
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In Reply To: rats (Barry Martin)