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Subject: Re: Fiber Optic Update Date: Sun Aug 23 2020 10:55 am
From: Daryl Stout To: Barry Martin


 DS>   Well, my wife and I did "shack up" for a few months before we
 DS> tied the knot, but we were engaged, and I was committed to
 DS> marriage.

 BM> Seemed no nasty surprises were discovered!

  We did go in for a pregancy check on her...and the physician, a
black female (sweet lady, but a nut <G>), asked her "Did you whizz??".
I about fell out of the chair laughing. 

  When she was doing a pelvic exam on my wife, my wife was complaining 
that "my butt is about to fall off the table", and was reassured that 
she wasn't going to fall off, even though it felt like it. 

  I made a smart-@$$ remark, and my wife looked at me, and growled 
"Keep that up, and you're next!!". The doctor looked at me, and she 
said "She's right, you know!!". My head went back into the magazine 
I was reading. <BG>

 DS>   Not sure. My brother told me of another place that "has
 DS> spaghetti like our late Mom used to make it". I haven't tried it
 DS> for the moment, they're just doing take-out service.

 BM> Hmm: overcooked and topped with jar sauce?!

  Known as the Raw-Goo. :P I discovered where the place was, but I'm
going to hold off on going there for a bit. I prefer to "eat in" when
I "eat out". I don't like to eat and drink when I drive (never mind
"don't talk to the driver while he's drinking")...even if it's just
chicken nuggets and sweet tea.

 DS>   I would say so...never mind "hot cross buns" from eating things
 DS> like tobasco, habanero, jalapeno, etc.

 BM> One needs asbestos toilet paper!

  I saw a meme where a toilet was on fire, and the caption was "I'll
never eat at Taco Bell again!!". A similar one showed a polar bear
pooping, and the caption says "Sweet Jesus, let me live!! I promise
to never eat at Taco Bell again!!". 

  Years ago, there was a mixup at a chemical plant in Fordyce, a
community in southern Arkansas. An employee accidentally switched
the chemical line to the water line, and toilets were literally
exploding and catching fire, when flushed. To which, a female
employee at my workplace remarked "I guess they got tired of being
[peed] and [pooped] in!!". 


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