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Subject: Re: virus stuff Date: Sun Aug 23 2020 10:55 am
From: Daryl Stout To: Barry Martin


 DS>   Never mind the name of the TV show, perfect vision, or this
 DS> year. :P

 BM> As I write this yesterday was August 20th, so August 20, 2020, or
 BM> 082020. or something like that!

  What was dangerous was that if you just noted the year on your
checks as "20" instead of "2020", someone could put a different
number after it...and you could be in big trouble for it.

 DS>   When I take citrate of magnesia, it hits within 10 minutes.

 BM> Why am I thinking of a boxing match between snails?  First one throws a
 BM> punch, takes 10-15 minutes to make contact with the second.

  Sounds like playing a 78 rpm record at 16 rpm. :P

 DS> What I wanted to do was get it up to $1, with the gas for $1.15 a
 DS> gallon regular wise...then with the discount, get it for 15 cents
 DS> a gallon, take a photo of it, and watch it go viral <G>.

 BM> You are such a trouble-maker!

  Just in one of my devious nether moods. You can't tell me that you
don't have them. I'm sure that Nancy Backus has these as 
in response to my QWK Mail Tagline of "I took an IQ test, and the 
results were negative"...her response to it was "That explains a lot 
<g,d,r>". She said later "I hope you knew that was in fun", and I said
"Yes"...I busted out laughing when I read it...but I was asking for 

  That's the same situation when I said to my late wife that "My head
is so far up my butt, that I can see my throat". Without missing a
beat, she grinned wryly, and said "That's why your eyes are brown"!! 

  Please pass the humble pie and salted crow, dear. :P

 BM> Just remember not to do your SSTV (Slow Scan TV) while everything is in the
 BM> laundry!

  Well, I decided to do laundry yesterday, instead of going to an area
Train Show. Because of COVID-19, everyone had to wear masks, and there
was no food or drink for sale. The Saturday show is bigger than the
Sunday one, but I felt doing laundry was more important.

 BM> Glad nothing was damaged.  Maybe get into the habit of blowing your
 BM> nose every so often to clear the sinuses?  Or a small candy like a
 BM> TicTac to keep your throat moistened when starting to feel an episode
 BM> coming on?

  I go through throat losenges like they were candy. I bought 6 packs
of 200 losenges from Walgreens last week.

 BM> ... Bad cough? Take large dose of laxatives: will be afraid to cough.

  You got that right!! 

  Or like a girl who had the hiccups after eating a certain food...she
didn't want that food anymore, as it made her cough funny. :P


... Turn on the hot water when someone is in the shower.
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