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Subject: Re: Various Things Date: Sun Aug 23 2020 10:13 am
From: Daryl Stout To: Barry Martin


 DS>   Since we can't do sound effects in the "text messages", I found
 DS> the deal on YouTube. It wasn't the Peter Gunn theme, but this it:

 BM> I could see how that could have been brought back from a dusty memory
 BM> as the Peter Gunn Theme.

  I wonder where the little booger got gas for his car...since he did
save a bunch of money on his car insurance. <G>

 DS>   Or "An overnight blizzard is God saying 'Take Today Off From
 DS> Work'" <G>.

 BM> As so the Devil created telecommuting to work!

  Or in "The Fat Bible" where God creates all these healthy and
nutritious foods, Satan basically says "Forget nutrition!! Bring
on the luscious fat!!". So, man is sitting on the couch, eating
junk food to the max, and has a massive heart attack. So, God
created quadruple bypass surgery...and Satan created HMO's. <G>

 DS>   Better than the guy who wakes up in the hospital morgue, who
 DS> wakes up, wondering "If I'm alive, what am I doing here?? And, if
 DS> I'm dead, how come I have to go to the bathroom??". :P

 BM> Either way he has a problem!

  I would say so!!


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In Reply To: Various Things (Barry Martin)