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Subject: virus stuff Date: Sat Aug 15 2020 07:44 pm
From: Barry Martin To: Daryl Stout

Hi Daryl!

 BM> I have to admire people who are fast to think of 'counteractivties'
 BM> like that!
 DS>   I've spent much of the day redoing the "naming conventions" on
 DS> the square dance organization websites. I did the "original
 DS> version", going over each link and PDF file to rename things, but
 DS> I'm hoping to finish the "updated site" before I update the
 DS> changes. It'll be transparent to users, but the PDF files will be
 DS> longer. For the filenames, I have put in underscores where there
 DS> are spaces between the words in the HTM or PDF files.

Yes - some systems allow spaces and some don't.  And though can be
tiring and boring sometimes better to do one process all at once so is

 BM> That's called 'early dinner'! <g>   Unless we don't have a choice we
 BM> try to avoid the various rush hours: less crowded, usually better
 BM> service.
 DS>   Unfortunately, at times, I'm in a hurry...or so hungry, that I
 DS> can't wait to get the grub.

"Here comes Daryl!"  <orders, served>  'snarf-gulp-swallow'  "There goes
Daryl! 4.3 minutes! New record!!"

 BM> When I removed DSL I was surprised how much cost was going to be left
 BM> of the  bill for just telephone service.  The service charge itself
 BM> isn't all that bad, all those little add-on charges add up: recovery
 BM> fees (what are they recovering?), this fee, that fee, plus of course
 BM> the taxes -- which are fine as help run the various governments.
 DS>   Recovering what they lost otherwise?? <G>

Something!  Hmmm: wonder if the "technology fee" Metronet (my fiber
optic provider) is just a flat fee encompassing all those line-by-line 
fees?  Still is cheaper (and better).

 BM> Hmm: they post for all to see your prescription is ready for pick up?!
 DS>   At least some medicines aren't "out in the open". You may not
 DS> want certain folks to know you have certain medical conditions.

This last time mine got a little confused.  The site said I had three
prescriptions in progress, two of which were the same except for the
identification number.  Picked up the two (said 'ready', third [semi-
duplicate] still on it's way to the store); commented to the Pharmacy 
Tech, who checked: nothing odd on her computer; updated and showed her 
what I was seeing -- <shrug> and would take care of any issues if it did
come in.

 DS>   Speaking of which, I had undergone that laparoscopic hernia
 DS> surgery 2 months ago. But, the other day, I had gone out to pick
 DS> up a couple of letters from the Post Office Box, and didn't wear
 DS> the supporting binder/girdle. On the way home, I got into a
 DS> hellacious sneezing and coughing fit, which lasted 15 minutes.
 DS> I'm amazed I didn't mess the pants (TMI), but the spasms either
 DS> made the diaphragm sore, or they aggravated the surgery. I'm to
 DS> see the surgeon next, I might need more surgery. :(
 DS> Yet, I thought 2 months afterwards, all would be OK.

You're such a delicate puppy! <g>  Hopefully nothing more than just a 
sore muscle but good to have it checked.  Also would be checking out the
sneezing/coughing episode: is something else going on?  

                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «

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