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Subject: rats Date: Sat Aug 15 2020 07:44 pm
From: Barry Martin To: Nancy Backus

Hi Nancy!

 BM>>>>> I need to have a colonoscopy done - no rush, just slightly overdue
 BM>>>>> on the five-year.  [snip]
 NB>>>> If you call, worst case probably would be "no, we aren't open for that
 NB>>>> yet", but then they'll know that you are wanting to know as soon as
 NB>>>> they do open... :)
 BM>>> And now probably open with the social distancing.  Right now a bunch
 BM>>> of But Firsts have lined up.... Though what's new?!
 NB>>> Don't want to put that off too long, though... :)
 BM>> No, July 3rd as I type this, so half the year gone!
 NB>> And have you checked yet...?
 BM> Of course not!
 NB> And now that it's almost another month later... have you
 NB> checked...?

Noooo....  :(  This time the excuse is power outage from the storm.  
Other things more important; telephone worked but not answering machine.
I did rig up an extension to outside so when we were sitting on the deck
could hear and answer the phone -- old phone plus spare Caller ID box to
filter the spam calls!  (Only a couple all week -- maybe they knew the 
area had a storm?)

 NB>> Hopefully you've run out of excuses now... <G>  I got in to our
 NB>> Optical Shop on July 1st, and am now waiting for them to call me with
 NB>> the news that my new glasses are ready... at that point, will need to
 NB>> make an appointment to pick them up and have the final fitting...
 NB>> more rigid than before... :)
 BM> Right: the need to keep people away from each other, disinfect between
 BM> appointments, etc.
 NB> Exactly... and now I have the new glasses, and am putting off
 NB> letting them know that I think they need a bit more adjustment,
 NB> since I'm sure that will require another appointment... used to
 NB> be able to just walk in at my convenience....

Those days will be gone for a while.  I'm thinking the population will 
become resistant, maybe vaccinated like wiped out polio, etc., but not 
for several years.

 BM>> Have a dental appointment coming up in about ten days -- their parking
 BM>> lot is long and narrow with trees and arbor vitae on on the
 BM>> sun-coming-up side (east) so you'll know where I'll be!
 BM>> Not getting my usual dental hygenist this time so probably won't get
 BM>> her room but the view out her windows is almost looking into a small
 BM>> ravine: the perimeter is taller trees and shrubs, bird feeders are
 BM>> hanging from some branches.  The 'ravine' goes down at least a story
 BM>> below.  While waiting and seated I watch the birds and squirrels.
 NB>> Our dentist's office is right on the Erie/Barge Canal, so we look
 NB>> out (from just about any room) onto the canal...  :)
 BM> That could be rather interesting as long as river/canal traffic
 BM> passing by for entertainment.
 NB> We can also see ducks/geese swimming on the canal, and activity
 NB> across the canal.... :)

We saw two very large flocks of some sort of goose last Wednesday (two 
days after the storm)!  Autumn noticed them -- just happened to look up 
as no honking.  First flock probably had 30-35 geese -- not in a proper
V-formation as they were changing positions.  Second one a couple
minutes later of maybe 15 or 20 geese -- not the same one as the first
flock was seen going off to the East.  They too were silent.

 NB> ... A flashlight is basically a tin can for transporting dead
 NB> batteries.
Pretty much!  Good news is had replaced a couple of flashlights before 
the power outage so had new ones.  Also used the laptop to charge my
cell phone.  Have three battery packs which I originally bought as a 
backup power for the security cameras on the Raspberry Pi but no output 
when being charged/plugged in.  Did use in Europe to recharge my phone 
on day trips.  Had purchased a couple of LED book lights, primarily to 
use as a night light in the hotel room (not afraid of the dark but don't
like smacking into furniture and walls!) -- plugged those in to the 
battery packs for when using the getting ready for bed.

                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «

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