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Subject: Eggs! Date: Sat Aug 15 2020 07:44 pm
From: Barry Martin To: Nancy Backus

Hi Nancy!

 NB>>> Our store still has the bags of 6 (cooked, peeled) both in organic
 NB>>> and regular... those are in dairy, next to the uncooked eggs... but
 NB>>> this finally answered the question of where that odd 2-pk at the
 NB>>> checkout had come from (at least potentially).... ;)
 BM>> Yes: doubt the store is just going to buy a case of cooked eggs just
 BM>> for the check out.
 NB>> The 2-pk eggs are at the front of the store with other quick-grab
 NB>> dairy, so sorta just for the checkout... I haven't seen the 2-egg
 NB>> packages anywhere else in the store... :)
 BM> Maybe not enough received for two places, or they figured the two pack
 BM> would sell as a grab-and-go item by the checkouts but someone doing
 BM> their weekly shopping would buy a 6-pack and probably not a 2-pack.
 NB> Most likely the latter... :)

Yesterday while trudging through the store waiting for the ice I should 
have checked the Deli Department for those eggs -- had plenty of time, 
just had my mind more on if something caught my eye for something to eat
that didn't require refrigeration, extensive preparation (cooking in a 
skillet by LED light isn't easy!).  Have soup, etc.

BTW, some of those those solar yard ornamanets provide a lot of light! 
Even better was the flag light which we had on the statue (shone down 
from the upper deck).  

 BM>> Which is 'to the left' of some meats which initially seems to
 BM>> not make sense but transitions from (starting partway down to the
 BM>> right) kielbasa, lunch meats, breakfast sausage, bacon, EGGS!  So lunch
 BM>> to breakfast!  They're clever!!  (Milk and orange juice is on the back
 BM>> wall two aisles away.)
 NB>> Each store has their own way of being clever in their setups... ;)
 NB>> Yours does sound particularly clever... <G>
 BM> <chuckle>  Things are slowly starting to make sense with the remodel! Still
 BM> a lot of holes in the shelves -- either not available due to something with
 BM> COVID-19 or for some reason temporarily turned off
 BM> received the stock -- the COVID-19 tends to make more sense as the
 BM> store and manufacturer still wants to sell.
 NB> Covid does tend to keep making disruptions in supply, whether at
 NB> the manufacture end or the distribution afterwards....
Yes - know individual meat processing plants were closed for a few weeks
due to COVID-19 instances.  Backs up the supply so farmers can't sell, 
stops the production so none goes out, probably recall on the production created
just before the report.

 NB>>>> Just as easy to glance and toss into recycle, though... ;)  But nicely
 NB>>>> done might be enough of an eye-catcher to at least read once... <G>
 BM>>> Or glance at the back: ooo - blank!  Slice with letter opener and
 BM>>> becomes scratch paper!
 NB>>> That works, too... ;)
 BM>> Saves money from buying scratch pads, though have purchased because
 BM>> 'fit the job'.  Maybe need/prefer all the same size. clean edges, etc.
 NB>> Some jobs, any piece of scrap will work... other jobs, some
 NB>> uniformity is more helpful, especially if the scraps need to be kept
 NB>> for a while... ;)
 BM> Right on both.  Some notes are temporary and are basicly jotting of a
 BM> few words.  Others are still temporary but a little more long term.
 BM> So far none are getting yellowed. <g>
 NB> That's a good sign...  :)

Think I told you some time back in High School my Economics classroom was
'created' in the basement and furnished with some rather old desks and 
tables.  Instructor found some rather old paper in a drawer that was so  brittle
it cracked when folded!

                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «

... What happened to the guy who didn't pay the exorcist?
He got repossessed
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