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Subject: Minced Garlic Date: Sat Aug 15 2020 07:44 pm
From: Barry Martin To: Nancy Backus

Hi Nancy!

Hmm: 'minced garlic'.  Don't think that will be on the 'replenish the
refrigerators and freezerslist'!

 BM>>> Late being better than not at all!  Of course some people fail to
 BM>>> agree with that detail, no matter the reason.
 NB>>> Sometimes it depends on the situation.... ;)
 BM>> That's true!  Great things have happened unexpectedly!
 NB>> Serendipity... <G>
 BM> Plus attitude.  "We're lost!" can result in "<grumble> now we're going
 BM> to be late" to "let's enjoy the surprises!".
 NB> If there's plenty of slack in the schedule, the latter is the better
 NB> way to go... :)  If one is going to be late for something relatively
 NB> critical, it might be less of a grumble and more of a worry....
 BM> Yes, those 'all depends'.  Might be one reason why I generally leave
 BM> earlier than necessary for almost anything: if something does cause a delay
 BM> there's some 'flex time' to accomodate and the crisis becomes
 BM> less of one.
 NB> I tend to do similar.... :)

It was kind of fun doing the 'roughing it' thing without power.  OTOH
nowhere near camping as sleep in own bed.  Light the gas stove with a
long-nose lighter (electric start not work as no power.)  Take a shower
by flashlight.  Biggest anxiety was trying to keep the food cold -
finally just let that thought go.

 BM>>> Semi-gross but a natural event.  Hopefully a recent mouse catch isn't
 BM>>> what caused the cats their cough and taste-lack episode.
 NB>>> Nah... haven't been any mice in the house for probably a couple years
 NB>>> now... and neither of these two has ever eaten any mouse or part
 NB>>> thereof here... caught and killed, but left entire... and usually,
 NB>>> I think, merely scared the mouse to death by playing with it...
 BM>> And so the mouse has decided while a nice place those cats don't make
 BM>> good hosts and so the mouse leaves, leaving a poor review on "Squeek"
 BM>> (the rodent version of Yelp).
 NB>> Fine by me... <G>  We didn't want their business anyway...  ;)
 BM> Now you did it! Being prejudiced!!
 NB> Nah.... just not open for business...  ;)

Darn wage increases!  (earlier message topic.)

                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «

... Twinkie was invented in 1930; originally filled with banana creme.
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