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Subject: New normals Date: Sat Aug 15 2020 07:44 pm
From: Barry Martin To: Nancy Backus

Hi Nancy!

 NB>> Apparently aluminum for soft drink canning is in short supply... at
 NB>> least that was what Richard was told, when he asked why there weren't
 NB>> any cases of Dr Pepper or of Vanilla Coke on the shelves... with the
 NB>> shortage, they're only producing what they see as the most popular
 NB>> varieties/brands... to get the special 3for price he had to get 3
 NB>> cases of regular Coke instead...
 BM> That might also explain the empty soup shelves -- they're in aluminium cans
 BM> also.  Haven't heard of any issues locally: there is an Arconic facilty
 BM> (spun off from ALCOA) a few miles from here -- the eagles and eaglets are
 BM> on the site.
 NB> Right.  Maybe they handle different sorts of aluminum
 NB> production...
Yes, that was part/most of the reason for the diversification of ALCOA:
consumer vs. commercial production - something like that.  ALCOA was 
derived from "Aluminum Company of America"; I'm not sure if 'Arconic' 
actually means anything or if just a made-up word.

 NB> An update on the cans, still hasn't been able to
 NB> get his Vanilla Coke, but Dr Pepper came back... Plus, there have
 NB> been some 'new' flavors... instead of the vanilla coke, there's a
 NB> cherry-vanilla Coke that he decided to try, for some variety...
 NB> Also this last time, there was again no regular Dr Pepper, but
 NB> there was one that apparently is a mix of Dr Pepper and cream
 NB> soda, which he got instead....  ;)

I rarely drink pop (soda) so don't pay attention but looks like the 
aisle at Hy-Vee is well-stocked.  ...Thinking yesterday morning when I 
paced the aisles with my cart waiting for the truck with the ice to come
in.  Did find some Pepperidge Farm Goldfish crackers in the original 
flavour -- on sale at 99¢ so got two.  Pace - pace - pace.  Out of D 
batteries still: I didn't realize there were so many flashlights, etc, 
using D's!  Some of the LED flashlights use a single D; we have an older
lanterns style which takes 4 D's and is LED.  Ice finally came in (the 
manager on duty was keeping me informed!); finally could buy some cheese
-- didn't want to have that in the cart waiting for the ice: I have hot 
cheese at home!!

 NB>>> At least chances are that it won't be moving someplace else when you
 NB>>> do track it down.... ;)
 BM>> True: seems most items having been moved to their new home are at
 BM>> their permanent location -- at least for now: ice cream will be
 BM>> condensed in winter due to cold weather and whatever is more popular in
 BM>> cold weather increased.
 NB>> I don't think that the regular displays of ice cream vary from season
 NB>> to season here... but in the summer or at holiday time (with special
 NB>> flavors) they do tend to also show up in the endcap freezers... :)
 BM> I'm trying to recall Hy-Vee's ice cream section over time -- prior to
 BM> remodelling.  Seems like overall it was reduced but some seasonal
 BM> specialties helped to fill.  Not recalling anything 'odd' in the ice
 BM> cream section.
 NB> And I'm sure that how much is actually bought plays into how and
 NB> where the displays are...  ;)

Right.  Seasonal flavours will take over to fill a reduction in quantity
in some of the other flavours.

                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «

... "You can fool too many of the people too much of the time."JamesThurber
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