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Subject: Various Things Date: Sat Aug 15 2020 07:44 pm
From: Barry Martin To: Daryl Stout

Hi Daryl!

 BM> Everything and body is biased!  If it weren't for politics and weather
 BM> the news programmes would be just five minutes long (with commercials <g>)
 DS>   The majority of the commercials are downright stupid. But,
 DS> there are some I don't mind seeing again and again.

Yes, there are a few that are entertaining: GEICO has numerous
entertaining one. some of the Progressive Insurance ones with Flo are
good.  Have a regional restaurant called Maid Rite (on the original
_Roseanne_ show the references to 'loose meat sandwiches' was to their signature
offering) with a maybe 10-second spot pretty much consisting 
of a photograph of the current special.  We'll just say it looks like a 
kid took the picture with their cell phone.

 DS>   What is "nd';t" ?? I guess fat fingered censors didn't want you
 DS> to type "don't". Or, are you using secret codes?? <G>
 BM> Yes.  'Now I muss keel yew' as Achmed would say.
 DS>   Did you see his video when all of them got arrested by the
 DS> California Highway Police (CHIPS), for disorderly conduct??

I'll take a look at a it late -- trying to catch up!

 BM> I don't know: there used to be sort of a friendly competition with a
 BM> local meteorologist and an 'amateur' weather observer, the latter
 BM> making his forecasts based on the various critters' activities and
 BM> coatings, and the like.  The meteorologist moved to a different part of the
 BM> country and that ended that..
 DS>   I would say so.

Unfortunately.  It was interesting how Mpother Nature knew and man 

 BM> ... December 19: Underdog Day
 DS>   There's no need to fear...Christmas in 6 days will be here. <G>

Plenty of time to go shopping!

 BM> And then see the tagline for the day after.
 BM> ... December 26: National Whiner's Day.  (Hmmm: Christmas is the 25th!)
 DS>   Yep...especially when the bills arrive.

Which a lot of people seem to forget that reaction to a purchase.

                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «

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