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Subject: I'm back! Date: Sat Aug 15 2020 07:44 pm
From: Barry Martin To: All

Hi Folks!

Had a bit of 'fun' here: derecho storm through the entire state of Iowa
Monday ==> winds locally 96 MPH and IIRC Cedar Rapids 107 MPH.  Did good
until the neighbour's pine tree (about 45' tall) snapped about 12' from
the base: snagged a power line and broke it.  There goes the power!

Due to the storm over 8,000 people lost power here in Bettendorf,
40,000+ in the rest of the Iowa Quad Cites.  Don't recall the numbers
for the Illinois side but the repairman we were chatting with yesterday
said conditions were worse on that side -- Moline has a lot of ravines
which will make restringing wires more difficult.

Oddly even though 100 MPH winds no damage to the house: did blow off a
couple of strips of vinyl siding which landed intact on the lawn and so
just need to be re-hung.  Surprisingly the flowers are pretty much
undamaged: would think if a tree snapped they would have been
flattened: nope -- look almost as if nothing happened; a couple of
minor casualties like broken stems.  Have a couple of plants which are
relatively delicate -- have broken leaves off when watering and they are

                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «

... "Where's Waldo" would be much easier without all of the look-alike's
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