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Subject: brother was: PING Questi Date: Sat Aug 15 2020 10:46 am
From: Daryl Stout To: Nancy Backus


 NB> As I'm almost a month behind, hopefully he is doing a lot better by
 NB> now...

  He is...although in some respects, I'm in much better shape than he is.
The thing is, last week, I got into a combination sneezing and hacking
fit while driving back from the Post Office (I guess I was allergic to
the bills <G>), and I didn't have the girdle/binder on. I either strained
the diaphragm, or messed up the mesh implant. I'm to see the hernia doctor
on Wednesday. So, I'm wearing it through the day...I don't wear it during
the overnight hours, in the shower, or "extended nature calls" :P 

 NB> Maybe if he gets scared enough, he'll at least cut back on the
 NB> drinking and smoking.... And sounds like the colonoscopy is certainly
 NB> in order....

  He has cut down on the drinking, and maybe the smoking...but he doesn't
want to do the colonoscopy. I told him "no one does, but the peace of mind
for them not finding anything is worth all the discomfort". I just wish I
could use the flatulence afterwards for the car...sort of like the memes 
that note "I f@r+ed in my wallet -- now I have gas money"...and "I got gas
for under a dollar today...but it was at Taco Bell". <BG>

 DS> suffocating in just in the doorway of his room. So, there is no way
 DS> I could stay with I'm sure the place just reeks with the
 DS> stench of tobacco.

 NB> It probably does.... so he'd need to find someone else....

  He's going to have to...considering I do ham radio traffic nets every
night of the week.

 NB> In that case, it really is his responsibility...

  Yep...he's going to do a Zoom meeting with the rest of the officers
of the Arkansas State Square Dance Federation, right after Labor Day...
and right now, he says there's an 80% chance that the 2020 and 2021 
festivals will be moved back a year on each. 

  With Amtrak cutting all their long distance trains to 3 days a week
in October, that has really screwed things up for me on "the one final
train trip". If I can't get a sleeping car space out of Little Rock for
the entire trip, it's it or not. I refuse to go overnight in
coach. The change in days and routes will require extra hotel nights,
but I can't book the trip until around mid-September.

 DS> He is seeing that I was right. Many folks have such a severe case of
 DS> cabin fever now, but your health has to take priority. Yet, if you
 DS> don't get out to build up immunity, how are you going to deal with it??

 NB> There is a delicate balance there.... :)

  Very much so.

 NB> ... ACRONYM = Abbreviated Coded Rendition Of Name Yielding Meaning

  I did a 15 minute news program in college, when majoring in Broadcasting
40 years ago, called AcroWatch...noting that they got their "unabbreviated
start" <G> in Italy, with Senatus Populusque Romanus (SPQR) -- Senate And People
Of Rome. In doing the research at the library, I was amazed at all
of the acronyms, but in so many things, they save a lot of writing and
typing. The research paper on that, and one on hurricanes, were the only
2 I enjoyed doing. Otherwise, it was like "Why should I study about The American
Revolution?? I know who won". <BG>

  There are quite a few acronyms in weather and ham radio as well.


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In Reply To: brother was: PING Questio (Nancy Backus)