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Subject: Re: flood stuff was: Vaca Date: Sat Aug 15 2020 10:30 am
From: Daryl Stout To: Nancy Backus


 DS> The rehearsal was running rather long, and the Music Minister wanted to
 DS> go over the anthem one more time before Sunday morning service. All got
 DS> quiet, and he was ready to give the keyboard accompanists the downbeat
 DS> to start. All of a sudden, a "Big Ben Alarm Clock", placed in the back
 DS> of the spinet piano, went off at 8:30pm. The perpetrator was the preacher's
 DS> daughter-in-law!! <G>

 NB> Did the rehearsal stop...?  Or did he go thru with the last run-through
 NB> anyway...?  :)

  Both <G> -- it took a bit for things to settle down.

  There was another instance, where 2 couples had the married name "Cross".
The wives worked for the Safeway grocery chain, and their husbands worked 
for the Little Rock Fire Department. Someone made the quip that "if their
husbands caught fire, they'd be a couple of Burning Crosses" -- it brought
the house down in laughter. <BG>

  The choir director lamented "Well, I lost control at 8:30". <G>


... The house was clean last week. Sorry you missed it!!
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In Reply To: Re: flood stuff was: Vaca (Nancy Backus)