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Subject: Fiber Optic Update Date: Fri Aug 21 2020 07:34 am
From: Barry Martin To: Daryl Stout

Hi Daryl!

 BM> Nope.  "You will" isn't a good statement for a relationship.
 DS>   Honeymoon: The period between "I DO" and "YOU'D BETTER". :P
 BM> Unfortunately.  There are a few too many where it would have been
 BM> better to live together for a period to find the true person.
 DS>   Well, my wife and I did "shack up" for a few months before we
 DS> tied the knot, but we were engaged, and I was committed to
 DS> marriage.

Seemed no nasty surprises were discovered!

 BM> Assuming otherwise the same having less sauce would lessen the amount
 BM> of acid.  ...Thinking lasagna is essentially soaked in sauce due to the
 BM> layers whereas spaghetti could also be soaked or just a section,
 BM> depending on how served.  Maybe the baking of the lasagna or
 BM> 'freshness' of the sauce has something to do with the reaction?  The baking
 BM> time of the lasagna might allow the acidity to mellow.  WAG.
 DS>   Not sure. My brother told me of another place that "has
 DS> spaghetti like our late Mom used to make it". I haven't tried it
 DS> for the moment, they're just doing take-out service.

Hmm: overcooked and topped with jar sauce?!

 BM> If antacids among condiments on the table, don't order anything spicy.
 DS>   What was your first clue??
 BM> The scorch marks!
 DS>   I would say so...never mind "hot cross buns" from eating things
 DS> like tobasco, habanero, jalapeno, etc.

One needs asbestos toilet paper!

                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «

... 500 AD: Catholic Church decreed exposing your skin -even to self- a sin. ---
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