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Subject: virus stuff Date: Fri Aug 21 2020 07:34 am
From: Barry Martin To: Daryl Stout

Hi Daryl!

 DS>   The underscores are better for the trying to
 DS> sort through all the %20 deals.
 BM> That's true!  Hmm: think of what happens with a file called "20 20"!!
 DS>   Never mind the name of the TV show, perfect vision, or this
 DS> year. :P

As I write this yesterday was August 20th, so August 20, 2020, or 
082020. or something like that!

 BM> "Here comes Daryl!"  <orders, served>  'snarf-gulp-swallow'  "There
 BM> goes Daryl! 4.3 minutes! New record!!"
 DS>   Now, we'll see how fast it goes through me. <G>
 BM> Hopefully more than 4.3 minutes to give you time to get there and get
 BM> comfortable!
 DS>   When I take citrate of magnesia, it hits within 10 minutes.

Why am I thinking of a boxing match between snails?  First one throws a 
punch, takes 10-15 minutes to make contact with the second.

 DS>   I had to get some masks the other day, as all of mine are in
 DS> the wash.
 BM> Borrowed one to go shopping as all of yours were being washed?!
 DS>   Well, I haven't had a chance to do laundry in a bit, and have
 DS> been "stretching out the clothes". I have to go out today to get
 DS> some more glue boards to trap more field rats (4 were dead on
 DS> them yesterday, from a week's time), and more of the "block
 DS> poison". With the VIP Fuel Points Plan from Kroger, for every
 DS> $100 I spend, I get 20 cents a gallon off in fuel, up to $1 off.
 DS> What I wanted to do was get it up to $1, with the gas for $1.15 a
 DS> gallon regular wise...then with the discount, get it for 15 cents
 DS> a gallon, take a photo of it, and watch it go viral <G>.

You are such a trouble-maker!

 DS>   I have to do a ham radio traffic net tomorrow (Friday), so I
 DS> may go ahead and do laundry then. Since a lot of businesses
 DS> (especially the doctors offices) close early on Friday, any bills
 DS> that come in can wait until Monday. Labor Day is late this year
 DS> (on Sept. 7).

Just remember not to do your SSTV (Slow Scan TV) while everything is in
the laundry!

 DS>   Not sure. The coughing really flares after I eat, and right at
 DS> bedtime. Strangely though, it doesn't flare when I lie down for
 DS> an afternoon nap.
 BM> That's odd!  Would sort of make sense to have a coughing reaction from
 BM> pressure on the diaphragm after eating or change of positioning, but
 BM> I'm assuming nap and sleep are on a bed, unless you do something like I
 BM> do where nap is 100% on my back and sleep starts on my back and then
 BM> roll to my side.
 DS>   Well, the surgeon said that aside from stretching it a bit, the
 DS> mesh deal is firmly in place. It is rare that I get a sneezing
 DS> fit, but I have the coughing fits more often, with the sinus
 DS> drainage. As for the naps, I lie down in bed, as it's more
 DS> comfortable.

Glad nothing was damaged.  Maybe get into the habit of blowing your nose
every so often to clear the sinuses?  Or a small candy like a TicTac to 
keep your throat moistened when starting to feel an episode coming on?

                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «

... Bad cough? Take large dose of laxatives: will be afraid to cough.
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Replies: Re: virus stuff (Daryl Stout)Re: virus stuff +masks +rats +fuel (August Abolins)