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Subject: Re: flood stuff was: Vaca Date: Fri Aug 14 2020 07:21 pm
From: Nancy Backus To: Daryl Stout

-=> Quoting Daryl Stout to Nancy Backus on 20-Jul-2020 12:10 <=-

 NB>> Yes, I know the Brady Bunch... ;)  And they only had six kids... ;)  I
 NB>> was one of eight... <G>  We easily went through a gallon or more of
 NB>> milk daily... (which was why they started doing the 'funny milk',
 NB>> instant dry skim milk, to make the whole milk go farther)...

 DS> I thought evaporated milk was stuff that was no longer there. :P

The milk doesn't evaporate, just the liquid out of it....

 NB>> If they're considered a non-essential business, it would take longer
 NB>> to get going again, too....

 DS> What they consider essential and non-essential is definitely up for debate.

True.... sometimes there's a fine line drawn....

 NB>>> A rule for lecturers in general... :)
 BM>> Especially class when the bell rings!
 NB>> They are supposed to finish before the last bell rings, anyway... ;)

 DS> Reminds me of a choir rehearsal at the church I attended years ago.
 DS> The rehearsal was running rather long, and the Music Minister wanted to
 DS> go over the anthem one more time before Sunday morning service. All got
 DS> quiet, and he was ready to give the keyboard accompanists the downbeat
 DS> to start. All of a sudden, a "Big Ben Alarm Clock", placed in the back
 DS> of the spinet piano, went off at 8:30pm. The perpetrator was the preacher's
 DS> daughter-in-law!! <G> 

Did the rehearsal stop...?  Or did he go thru with the last run-through
anyway...?  :)

ttyl         neb

... Contrary to popular belief, a cat is NOT a domesticated animal!

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Replies: Re: flood stuff was: Vaca (Daryl Stout)