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Subject: Re: Hugs, COVID-19, etc. Date: Fri Aug 14 2020 07:06 pm
From: Nancy Backus To: Daryl Stout

-=> Quoting Daryl Stout to Nancy Backus on 15-Jul-2020 13:00 <=-

 DS>> I saw photos from one dance, where I guess they just took the
 DS>> temperatures of folks coming in, as they weren't dancing with masks
 DS>> or gloves.
 NB>> Hopefully there weren't repercussions later...

 DS> I haven't heard. But, if you aren't out to get it, and build up
 DS> immunity, you'll never be able to fight it.

As long as it doesn't get you bad, first....

 DS>> You can have my portion...just like with squash, eggplant, etc.
 NB>> I particularly like eggplant (aubergines).... very tasty, in so many
 NB>> ways.... :)

 DS> Again, you can have my portion.

Gladly.... ;)

 DS>> For that matter, I thought eggplant was a codename for a chicken. <G>
 NB>> I can see where you could have thought that.... ;)

 DS> You mean it's not?? :P

Nope.  ;)

ttyl        neb

... I predict that today will be remembered until tomorrow!

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Replies: Re: Hugs, COVID-19, etc. (Daryl Stout)