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Subject: brother was: PING Questio Date: Fri Aug 14 2020 06:57 pm
From: Nancy Backus To: Daryl Stout

-=> Quoting Daryl Stout to Nancy Backus on 15-Jul-2020 12:55 <=-

 DS> My brother called yesterday, and he was in the sounded
 DS> like he was on his deathbed. He said he had internal bleeding (black stool,
 DS> but certain medicines or foods can cause that), and he was bruising/turning
 DS> black, as if there was anemia (lack of blood). It
 DS> sounded like his body was shutting down...he thought he was dying,
 DS> and said he was in severe pain.

As I'm almost a month behind, hopefully he is doing a lot better by

 DS> Well, they did an EGD on him this morning, and did some biopsies for
 DS> possible pre-esophageal cancer, but saw no sign of bleeding in the stomach,
 DS> such as from a bleeding ulcer. But, the doctor said he is
 DS> going to have to do 3 things, of which he's unlikely to do...stop
 DS> smoking, stop drinking beer and alcohol, and get a colonoscopy done.

Maybe if he gets scared enough, he'll at least cut back on the
drinking and smoking.... And sounds like the colonoscopy is certainly in

 DS> The problem for both of us, is that all our friends work and have
 DS> family, and it's nearly impossible to get a driver...let alone
 DS> someone to stay with them overnight. When we were at a hotel last
 DS> year (he had a smoking room, I did not), I was practically
 DS> suffocating in just in the doorway of his room. So, there is no way
 DS> I could stay with I'm sure the place just reeks with the
 DS> stench of tobacco.

It probably does.... so he'd need to find someone else....
 NB>>> Finding ways to dance safely is good....
 DS>> I sent an email to the President of the Arkansas State Square Dance
 DS>> Federation, telling him, I'm deferring to him the decision on future
 DS>> dances.
 NB>> I'm sure he appreciates your dumping all the responsibility for the
 NB>> decision on him...  ;)

 DS> Well, I was going to put a letter in the publication, but he said
 DS> that I was being too negative, and not to run I didn't.

In that case, it really is his responsibility...

 DS> He is seeing that I was right. Many folks have such a severe case of
 DS> cabin fever now, but your health has to take priority. Yet, if you
 DS> don't get out to build up immunity, how are you going to deal with it??
There is a delicate balance there.... :)

ttyl       neb

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Replies: brother was: PING Questi (Daryl Stout)