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Subject: Re: New normals Date: Fri Aug 14 2020 06:44 pm
From: Nancy Backus To: Daryl Stout

-=> Quoting Daryl Stout to Nancy Backus on 15-Jul-2020 12:47 <=-

 NB>> Last I knew, Wegmans hadn't moved into Arkansas yet... although they've
 NB>> gone as far south as North Carolina now... :)

 DS> Years ago, there was a Woolworth's, and we still have some
 DS> Walgreen's, but they're not the same.

Right, not the same.... Wegmans is a regional supermarket chain... We
used to have Woolworth's here, too, once upon a time... and we also have
Walgreens here as well....

 DS>> They need to protect the folks who are ill and vulnerable...not keep
 DS>> the healthy folks in.
 NB>> Sometimes that ends up being the way to protect the vulnerable...
 NB>> especially if it turns out the "healthy" weren't actually after all...

 DS> Sort of the 2 edged sword of Damocles. :P

Somewhat..  ;)
 DS>>> I have to get a square to-it...I was unable to get a round to-it. <G>
 NB>>> Never seen one of those.... ;)  I'd expect them to be in even shorter
 NB>>> supply.... ;)
 DS>> They're back ordered...and no one knows for how long. :P
 NB>> That could explain it.... ;)

 DS> You mean that's not a valid summarization?? :P

The real question being if they are even being manufactured at all... ;)

ttyl          neb

... I hate it when the fixes start to be fixes of the fixes.

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