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Subject: Re: Fiber Optic Update Date: Fri Aug 21 2020 12:07 am
From: Ky Moffet To: Barry Martin

> depending on how served.  Maybe the baking of the lasagna or 'freshness'
> of the sauce has something to do with the reaction?  The baking time of
> the lasagna might allow the acidity to mellow.  WAG.

To reduce acidity (and thereby mellow out the flavor) of any sort of
tomato-based sauce... add a couple tablespoons of brown sugar.

Lazy people don't bother pre-cooking the pasta part of lasagna, and it 
turns out just as good. <g>

While back I was tired of tomato-stuff, so I made white lasagna -- 
substituted a like quantity of cream cheese for the tomato part, and 
otherwise left it much the same. It was very good.
 ■ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS ■ Hollywood, Ca ■

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