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Subject: Shopping And Time Date: Wed Jul 29 2020 09:43 am
From: Barry Martin To: Daryl Stout

Hi Daryl!

 DS>   I can't fit inside the computer. I'm not like that AARP
 DS> magazine cartoon, where this guy in a hazmat suit is in the
 DS> patients room, with the doctor...who tells the patient "I thought
 DS> you'd like to meet our colonoscopy specialist before we
 DS> minaturize him". :P
 BM> Why am I thinking the Kratt Brothers?  (Show on PBS Kids about two
 BM> adult brothers and their friends who explore Nature and save animals by
 BM> using the animal's superpower.  They also have a Miniaturizer to reduce
 BM> them to a size matching the animal.)
 DS>   The main reason I watched PBS was for "A.M. Weather", "Nova",
 DS> and "Mister Rogers Neighborhood" (can you say information
 DS> overload, boys and girls??) <G>.

When is Autumn here we have the TV on one of the PBS Kids stations and 
so watch or aware of the programmes.  A lot of dinosaurs -- suppose a
combination of fantasy mixed with education.  

 DS>   It's a small blue sign, noting something like "To Report
 DS> Problem Or Malfunction, call [toll free phone number]"...and it
 DS> notes "Milepost" and "DOT ID". That way, they know exactly where
 DS> the problem it a malfunctioning signal, broken gate,
 DS> vehicle blocking the crossing, or a problem with the train
 DS> itself.
 BM> Now if they only had a phone!  (I'm thinking more the old days before
 BM> everyone had a cell phone.)
 DS>   I have mine with me when I'm out and case of
 DS> witnessing a wreck, a railroad crossing issue, etc.

I have mine with me "just in case".  Also have a small box in the glove
compartment with a charger and charging cable.  ...Seems like there's a 
couple other emergency items in the box but not recalling what they are 
right now.  Box makes it easier to find.

 DS>   There's usually an optical illusion, as the train is closer
 DS> than it appears to be.
 BM> So one could be in a real jam if see a train in the side-view mirrors!
 BM> (Usually those mirrors have the warming "objects may appear closer than
 BM> they appear".)
 DS>   In that case, you likely were told by the GPS Girl to "turn
 DS> here", and ended up on the tracks. :P

That's possible!  There's a walking/biking trail right next to the
entry to the parking lot of a radio station complex.  The trail is paved
and maybe 10' wide and so sometimes cars intending to go into the 
parking lot end up on the trail.  Not sure how they do it as need to do
a couple of back-to-back 90° turns to get to the trail but they do it!

 DS>   Now, if insomnia hits, I work at the computer to get fatigued
 DS> enough to get back to sleep.
 BM> I wonder if there's a "Boring Sites" hit by the search engine?!
 BM> ...Well that didn't quite work: most hits were for things to look at
 BM> when bored (so anti-boredom).
 DS>   It isn't for lack of material on the web. :P

Lots of potentially interesting things out there!

                         »                     «
                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «
                         »                     «
                         »  (Humans know what  «
                         »     to remove.)     «

... Airplanes are interesting toys but of no military value - Ferdinand Foch ---
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