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Subject: Re: virus stuff w Date: Wed Jul 29 2020 11:58 pm
From: Nancy Backus To: Daryl Stout

-=> Quoting Daryl Stout to Nancy Backus on 09-Jul-2020 06:56 <=-

 NB>> I think our landline will continue to be analog, not VoIP, though...

 DS> From what I understood, analog is going away. Even the ADT alarm
 DS> system got changed from a phone line to a digital interface (cell
 DS> tower) to quicker notify of an alarm event.

Our (wireless) alarm system also uses a cell phone to communicate with
Central Monitoring instead of using our phone line... but there's lots
of good reasons to keep the basic phone system analog....

 NB>> I tend to call things in, and often ask "at what date can I get this
 NB>> refilled" if it looks to me that maybe the insurance would be a little
 NB>> persnickety about it... :)  And sometimes the pharmacy can go ahead and
 NB>> get the new script even if it's still too early too fill right away....

 DS> My pharmacy usually calls me when one gets in. Some days, I get so
 DS> busy, I forget to take the stuff...but it helps when finances are
 DS> tighter than a frogs butt underwater (as they are right now), I
 DS> will have these meds a bit longer.

That can backfire, though... saving a little money isn't worth having
major issues from not taking necessary meds....

 NB>> And this is probate/surrogates court, not a criminal or civil court...
 NB>> eventually, I'll probably call and find out if they are open, etc...
 NB>> but with our snag, no real need yet to push them... ;)

 DS> I don't even want to go to a tennis court to fight over love.
 DS> Hmmm... that could be worked into a tagline. <G>

Um... we aren't talking family or divorce court, but the court for
settling estates....  :)   And in tennis, love means nothing... ;)

ttyl        neb

... Combining scallops and butter is basically never a bad idea.

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