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Subject: Re: Isolation Dia Date: Wed Jul 29 2020 11:35 pm
From: Nancy Backus To: Barry Martin

-=> Quoting Barry Martin to Nancy Backus on 07-Jul-2020 09:51 <=-

 BM> Good Grief!  Only 8 a.m. and already 81° out there!!

Didn't bode well for the rest of the day...! 
 BM>>> It's officially 83° outside currently and the neighbour a few houses
 BM>>> down is having their roof replaced.  Yesterday two neighbours the
 BM>>> block behind us were having their roofs replaced.  ...May not be the
 BM>>> high but did get to at least 82° yesterday.  Today supposed to get to
 BM>>> 90°.
 NB>>> I guess one shouldn't be too unhappy about the heat... it is summer
 NB>>> now, after all...
 BM>> Right.  This morning was a we-should-open-the-windows-for-a-while 68°.
 BM>> Quickly decided against that by looking at the next line: 94%
 BM>> humidity! Supposed to be in the low 90's later today (Saturday, June
 BM>> 27) and the next several days.
 NB>> Yeah, that humidity would be a killer.... Meanwhile, we enter a heat
 NB>> advisary tomorrow (Tues 7th) afternoon, until Friday (10th) evening at
 NB>> 8... Temps in the mid to high 90s, heat indices possible over 100°....
 NB>> not my idea of fun... Night lows only getting into the lower 70s, 
 NB>> too... Fortunately, there's nothing scheduled this week for going out
 NB>> until Saturday, when the high is "only" in the mid 80s.....
 BM> Ahhhh!!  Coooollllllll!!!  As I said in an earlier message we've got
 BM> the hot'n'humid currently and should break on Thursday and last the
 BM> weekend. Then there's next week....
This whole month has been mostly heat advisories with a few breaks with
highs only in the mid-80s... not been functioning all that well, as you
may have noticed from my erratic messagings....

 BM>> Looks to have!  I had a problem with one of my REP sets but I think it
 BM>> was a 'bad finger routine' on my end: didn't give the right commands
 BM>> as I'm not used to doing an upload and then download together -- had
 BM>> finished the day previous' packet that morning, so upload then
 BM>> download. I don't see the confirmation listing during the upload as the
 BM>> machine goes on to the next step too quickly -- have to scroll back but
 BM>> had done the download so the scroll buffer didn't have the REP portion
 BM>> any longer.  Something just didn't seem quite right so kept the old
 BM>> REPs, added a 'may be a duplicate' and re-inserted them later.
 NB>> And, if I recall correctly, that set turned out NOT to be
 NB>> duplicated...
 BM> Right -- not sure what went wrong here, just some step didn't get done
 BM> and since didn't feel right redid.

Generally good to trust your gut... especially if no easy way to verify
one way or the other.... ;)
 BM>> Yes, and maybe that REP episode above is another example.  I don't
 BM>> recall seeing anything but it didn't seem right.  Or the Data LED
 BM>> being off on the fiber optic modem -- the tech didn't seem to mind and
 BM>> one interpretation of the manual's statement would seem to make it OK,
 BM>> but....
 NB>> Never hurts to pay attention when your mind is trying to tell you
 NB>> something isn't quite right...  ;)
 BM> Yes.  Since i was the one who unplugged the cable years ago maybe I
 BM> remembered, just not actively.  And another part of figuring out the puzzle
 BM> was how to test the cable -- 'laptop' seems obvious but that obviousness
 BM> got covered up slightly as usually I use wirelessly.  All turned out well.
 BM> :)

And as they say, all's well that ends well...  ;) 
 BM>>> Yes, and the plan could be to open and some event occur effecting
 BM>>> last-minute changes.  ...At this point I'd be thinking "it's back to
 BM>>> school" but also make considerations for home-schooling.
 NB>>> One thing we've all learned... be ready with contingency plans... ;)
 BM>> Definitely!  There have been announcements on this week's news of
 BM>> various school districts on both sides of the River having meetings/
 BM>> virtual meetings to discuss various options, what worked, what didn't,
 BM>> what sort of did and so needs tweaking.
 NB>> Good that they seem to be on top of things...  :)
 BM> Yes.  I haven't been paying attention enough to know what the progress
 BM> is.

After all, at the moment, you have no real need to pay attention... :)
ttyl        neb

... When your chocolate bar melts in the fridge... You're in Arizona!

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