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Subject: Re: Spring Has Sprung Date: Wed Aug 05 2020 11:39 pm
From: Nancy Backus To: Barry Martin

-=> Quoting Barry Martin to Nancy Backus on 11-Jul-2020 09:40 <=-

 BM>>> I would assume so but at the store (in the Mall) we didn't find out why
 BM>>> the power failure until later.  May have been announced on the radio,
 BM>>> may have called the Mall Office and the information didn't get passed
 BM>>> on or passed on in time.  Just all of a sudden it got really dark!
 NB>> Now that would be at best disconcerting...!  ;0  Did the Mall have
 NB>> emergency lighting, at least...?
 BM>> Barely: the store had the battery-powered emergency lights poking out
 BM>> of the ceiling but so had some light.  And of course being a big-box
 BM>> store no windows except for the various door entries.
 NB>> So at least you weren't in pitch-black dark...  :)  Just close... ;)
 BM> It was the 'just close'.  And once we figured out it was going to last
 BM> a while we just of settled in and got comfortable, including bringing
 BM> over some chairs from the Furniture Department.  (At least no one got
 BM> too comfortable by bringing over a lounger!)

Well, a lounger would have been a lot of effort... <G> 
 BM>> We did break out a few store items: battery-powered TV to find
 BM>> out what was going on (phones didn't work because they were powered by
 BM>> a computer and it's UPS didn't last long).  Flashlights from Hardware.
 NB>> Necessities...  ;)
 BM> Pretty much, and the battery-powered television probably was on display
 BM> so couldn't have been sold as new anyway, so mainly batteries and
 BM> flashlights as the expenses.
And the store wouldn't begrudge you those, given the circumstances... :)

 BM>> Last day of June as I write this.  Woke up to 73°, supposed to get
 BM>> into the very very upper 80's -- overcast currently as there's a
 BM>> thunderstorm (wow! did you see Daryl's ears?!) system in SE Iowa,
 BM>> (Yesterday was essentially clear and got into the mid-90's.)  The local
 BM>> TV forecast is saying the rain will stay south and we'll get maybe half
 BM>> an inch; better thas nothing.
 NB>> And now it's the 10th of July... and things are swelteringly hot...
 NB>> supposed to finally get some rain tonight or tomorrow... and the heat
 NB>> advisary lifts tonight finally...  Not that it'll be much better,
 NB>> except in comparison... "only" mid 80s for highs for a few days...
 NB>> and then it looks like it'll climb right back up again... ;(
 BM> Beginning of last week was hot and somewhat humid here; storms
 BM> Thursday night and cooler by about ten degrees.  What was sort of odd about
 BM> yesterday was it was rather windy but clear.  Seems when
 BM> not-a-cloud-in-the-sky there is barely a breeze; probably the 'sucking
 BM> in" of the air to make up for the storm.

 BM>> Yes, I was thinking similarly.  The idea of only eating something
 BM>> (for lack of better words right now) 'expelled voluntarily' like milk
 BM>> and eggs does sort of make sense.  Vegetables and fruit theoretically
 BM>> don't have a soul like animals, so that has some logic to my way of
 BM>> thinking also.  When I get to fish I have a bit of a confusion as to
 BM>> me they're animals, so have a soul (and one even a sole! <rs!>)  So
 BM>> while I go back to gnawing on my turkey leg I'll let them not eat what
 BM>> they're uncomfortable eating.  If we're eating together and they prefer
 BM>> I don't eat the turkey I'll have the fish.
 NB>> My only vegetarian friend doesn't mind other people eating whatever,
 NB>> she just has an aversion to the taste of meat, especially chicken...
 NB>> she also has some aversion to rice... ;)
 BM> Hadn't heard of an aversion to the taste/consistency of rice though
 BM> could understand: some rice does have an odd 'tongue reaction'.  As
 BM> for your friend, seems more of a response to what she interprets as an
 BM> undesirable taste in chicken and meat; guessing fish might be OK
 BM> because either they live in water as opposed to on land or just the
 BM> diet is different.

I forget if she's willing to eat fish or not... I know she's at least
ovo-lacto-vegetarian.... :)
 BM>>> They get to enjoy the meal again in a day or two, plus a day off from
 BM>>> cooking.
 NB>>> A family holiday tradition, even.... :)
 BM>> Sort of!  Still do the 'early holiday' as was a lot easier for us
 BM>> working retail, plus the kids could spend Christmas with grandparents,
 BM>> boyfriends' families. now their own.
 NB>> Yup... juggling all the ddifferent aspects of families for the
 NB>> holidays can be fun.... ;)
 BM> We more or less pick a date, usually well in advance so everyone
 BM> working can get the day or most of the day off.

That's pretty much how my family does it, too...  :) 
 BM>> I was probably thinking kielbasa: three or four brands available and
 BM>> one is rather mushy and so-so on flavour.  Not as mushy as in wet
 BM>> oatmeal, is firm just too finely ground.  Of course that's the one
 BM>> that comes up on sale frequently!
 NB>> Trying to get it to move, eh...?  Not really a bargain if you
 NB>> don't care for the taste and texture... ;)
 BM> Right.  I suppose other people prefer that taste and consistency to
 BM> the one we prefer -- just another to have different brands available
 BM> and to try different brands if "close but no cee-gar".
Doesn't hurt to have variety... ;)
 NB>>> ... MAC error msg: "Like dude, something went wrong"
 BM>> <chuckle>  That didn't quite make sense at first: I'm still bringing
 BM>> up the various computers back on-line: changing the LAN IP address from
 BM>> the DSL-issued 192.168.0.x to the fiber optic's 192.168.4.x, so the
 BM>> 'MAC' got interpreted as the one attached to network indentification as
 BM>> opposed to the Apple computer initially.  ...More coffeeeeee!!
 NB>> Different MAC.... :)
 BM> Anyone thinking 'and cheese'?!

Probably someone is... but not me.... ;)

 BM> As for the computers here, everyone is up except for my old laptop. Haven't
 BM> tried yet, and I'm not expecting any problems.  Some of the
 BM> 'old laptop time' got tied up with the newer notebook and some problems
 BM> I sort of rediscovered it had.  In general the new notebook works fine,
 BM> Main issue is its WiFi connection drops after a few minutes (something
 BM> overheats?).  Not due to the connection as tried with the fiber optic
 BM> one.  For now the notebook is just going to be tethered to Ethernet.
 BM> The old laptop has worked fine and is the one I brought to Vienna, so
 BM> no issues with WiFi.

You'll get it all sorted out.... ;) 
 BM>> ... Reading glasses will tend to disappear like single socks in the
 BM>> dryer.
 NB>> That's why they sell them in lots of 6, 10 and 12.... <G>
 BM> Only works if the entire pack or at least several match. 

Oh, I was talking about the packs of reading glasses, not of socks... ;)

 BM> OTOH Autumn does like to wear 'blended' socks: same shade of purple
 BM> and pink, or both socks will have unicorns, for instance.

So they match, just not quite as expected.... ;)

ttyl        neb

... Anything that's not nailed down is a cat toy.

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