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Subject: Re: Solar TV Batt Date: Wed Aug 05 2020 07:24 pm
From: Nancy Backus To: Barry Martin

-=> Quoting Barry Martin to Nancy Backus on 10-Jul-2020 09:21 <=-

 BM>> Ooo! Only seven days behind!!
 NB>> Didn't last long... ;0  Heat etc got to me... and was fighting off
 NB>> something besides, nothing serious at least.... seem to be better
 NB>> now... but we still are under this heat advisary until tomorrow
 NB>> night...
 BM> Oh well.  Hope you're feeling better.  And of course the first thing
 BM> just about everyone's mind jumped to on reading "fighting off
 BM> something" was "COVID-19!!" (which is already capitalized...).  Could
 BM> have been a summer cold, allergic reaction, etc.

Still dunno what it was, other than possibly too much heat.... almost definitely
not Covid.... SOW, I get to be tested later this month,
before having a gastroscopy on the 20th....

 BM> Our heat advisory 'broke' last night: some relatively noisy
 BM> thunderstorms.  This morning a nice 67° -- ahh! open up for a bit!
 BM> <check outside> Bleah!!  89% humidity!

Yeah, the humidity can certainly be a spoiler... We're finally having a
few really nice days... the window's been open all day today...
relatively dry and only 73°.... :)
 BM>> The ones left are mainly Raspberry Pi's - some "small computers"
 BM>> (though some doing big jobs).  Some might automatically take on the new
 BM>> address when rebooted, a couple I know have static addresses so those
 BM>> will have to be manually updated.  Not going to be today as Autumn
 BM>> coming shortly, though may do a bit of preparing.
 NB>> Plenty to keep you busy...  :)
 BM> Can't say too often "I'm bored!". <g>

No, I guess not... not with that long to-do list that But Firsts keep
jumping ahead of.... <G>
 BM>> For the base price of $35 almost can't go wrong -- if of interest, of
 BM>> course!  Probably closer to $100 if need to purchase the wall wart,
 BM>> video cable, case.  Can connect to a TV or monitor, usually have one
 BM>> or the other.  USB keyboard and mouse - I had old spares....
 NB>> Not something I'm interested in... and so far as I know, Richard's
 NB>> not been tempted by it yet... ;)  But I do keep seeing people wax
 NB>> enthusiastic about them.... ;)
 BM> As always all depends one needs, wants and desires. :)  I think to me
 BM> the Raspberry Pi was of interest because of its compactness: could
 BM> place it where a computer would not fit.  The WiFi option also solved
 BM> some cable-running problems.

So there were definite benefits for you.... :) 
 BM>>>> In this instance specifically is a recipe for chocolate pie which has
 BM>>>> been passed down at least two generations.  No size as far as ounces
 BM>>>> for the evaporated milk other than "one small can", and so the rest of
 BM>>>> the ingredients have not changed.  It also appears the consistency and
 BM>>>> flavour alters with the brand, even with the correct/original amount:
 BM>>>> once years ago substituted a house brand of evaporated milk and "close
 BM>>>> but not right".
 NB>>>> In that case, one needs the original (and has to hope that the
 NB>>>> formulation doesn't get changed along the line) brand, and probably
 NB>>>> some research is in order to figure out what the size of the original
 NB>>>> can was... and then one would have to buy probably a larger can, or
 NB>>>> two current small cans, and put in just the right amount....
 BM>>> Yes, probably will be the research option to find what the original
 BM>>> small can size was.  It seems the small can option has been
 BM>>> discontinued and only what was the medium and large sizes are now being
 BM>>> sold.
 NB>>> All the more reason to do the research, and note in the recipe what
 NB>>> the original ounces were....
 BM>> Good excuse to teach 'the cook' how to do research via Google, etc.!
 NB>> Possibly... ;)
 BM> So far no, but then no chocolate pie either.  It's more of a cool/cold
 BM> weather treat (though maybe that has something to do with constant stirring
 BM> over a cast iron pan! <g>).

I'd guess that constant stirring would be much more bearable when it was
cool, for sure...!  ;) 
 BM>>>> Hopefully another grocery chain will take over that property.
 BM>>>> Location for us was handy to "grab a few things".  Also is/was the only
 BM>>>> major-sized grocery store in this part of town.
 NB>>>> Depends on what might be looking for a toe-hold... ;)  Hopefully you
 NB>>>> get something good, so you can still have your handy place to go...
 BM>>> A lot of "it depends".  I haven't heard any noises of grocery stores
 BM>>> interested in building in this part of town, and I would guess the
 BM>>> various expenses associated with COVID-19 may have put expansion
 BM>>> considerations on hold.
 NB>>> If they use the existing building, it might not be that big a deal to
 NB>>> move into the area....  :)
 BM>> Right.  My guess is the shelving would be removed and re-used in other
 BM>> Schnuck's stores but refrigerated cases probably staying because of
 BM>> the refrigeration lines.  As long as properly moth-balled and not left
 BM>> idle too long seems like could be re-used.
 NB>> One would hope...
 BM> I haven't heard anything more one way or the other.  Their shelves are
 BM> getting bare.

Until they finally officially close their doors, perhaps nothing else
can be done for replacing them....
 BM>> Pretty much same when I shop and have several at Hy-Vee.  Last week
 BM>> bought 15 containers of Yoplait yogurt (real good sale + coupon off
 BM>> five) and they were all packed together in a double plastic bag.  At
 BM>> home I separate them into a plastic bag with five each, so used one of
 BM>> the double bags and one from another package.  "Five" is the magic
 BM>> number as generally have one a day (even when worked) - sometimes skip
 BM>> a day.  When out up here bring up another bag from the basement
 BM>> refrigerator.
 NB>> A three week supply, then... ;)
 BM> And then two more weeks' worth yesterday (10)!  Had two weeks' worth stored
 BM> in the basement refrigerator and so normally would not have purchased more
 BM> yet but they had Yoplait on sale for 39¢ each (normally 69¢) plus $1 off
 BM> 10, so down to 29¢ each.

Couldn't pass up a deal like that.... <G>

ttyl       neb

... My life is delicately balanced. Please don't make any sudden movements

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