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Subject: Re: New normals Date: Wed Aug 12 2020 04:07 pm
From: Nancy Backus To: Barry Martin

-=> Quoting Barry Martin to Nancy Backus on 14-Jul-2020 08:59 <=-

 NB>> Apparently aluminum for soft drink canning is in short supply... at
 NB>> least that was what Richard was told, when he asked why there weren't
 NB>> any cases of Dr Pepper or of Vanilla Coke on the shelves... with the
 NB>> shortage, they're only producing what they see as the most popular
 NB>> varieties/brands... to get the special 3for price he had to get 3
 NB>> cases of regular Coke instead...
 BM> That might also explain the empty soup shelves -- they're in aluminium cans
 BM> also.  Haven't heard of any issues locally: there is an Arconic facilty
 BM> (spun off from ALCOA) a few miles from here -- the eagles and eaglets are
 BM> on the site.

Right.  Maybe they handle different sorts of aluminum production...  An
update on the cans, still hasn't been able to get his Vanilla Coke, but
Dr Pepper came back... Plus, there have been some 'new' flavors...
instead of the vanilla coke, there's a cherry-vanilla Coke that he
decided to try, for some variety... Also this last time, there was again
no regular Dr Pepper, but there was one that apparently is a mix of Dr
Pepper and cream soda, which he got instead....  ;)

 NB>>> At least chances are that it won't be moving someplace else when you
 NB>>> do track it down.... ;)
 BM>> True: seems most items having been moved to their new home are at
 BM>> their permanent location -- at least for now: ice cream will be
 BM>> condensed in winter due to cold weather and whatever is more popular in
 BM>> cold weather increased.
 NB>> I don't think that the regular displays of ice cream vary from season
 NB>> to season here... but in the summer or at holiday time (with special
 NB>> flavors) they do tend to also show up in the endcap freezers... :)
 BM> I'm trying to recall Hy-Vee's ice cream section over time -- prior to
 BM> remodelling.  Seems like overall it was reduced but some seasonal
 BM> specialties helped to fill.  Not recalling anything 'odd' in the ice
 BM> cream section.

And I'm sure that how much is actually bought plays into how and where
the displays are...  ;) 
 BM>>> Yes: it's flu season: wash your hands and cough into your sleeve.
 BM>>> Summer cold do's and don't's.  COVID-19 is just a much worse version
 BM>>> and essentially the same health precautions apply, just this time
 BM>>> people got smacked in the face with finally doing them because of the
 BM>>> severity. LIS in earlier messages, I'm hoping a good degree of the
 BM>>> extra cleaning continues as well as some of the social distancing.
 NB>>> I'd be just as happy to have the social distancing no longer so much
 NB>>> required, though... I'd tend to follow it with strangers in any case,
 NB>>> but am missing the contact with friends....
 BM>> Yes, though one health advantage is the lack of contact with friends
 BM>> who are contacting their friends exclusive of your circle of friends
 BM>> (drawing virtual Venn Diagram!) and if someone is contaminated they
 BM>> don't transfer it in to your portion.
 NB>> There is that.  Again, though that would be the case anyway, in
 NB>> "normal" times... :)
 BM> True, just right now everyone (well, most people) are trying to be vigilant
 BM> and stay healthy.

Pretty much so....  ;)
 NB> (virtual Bix 7)
 NB>>>>> I suppose... I still can't wrap my head around how that virtual
 NB>>>>> race would work out with the audience....
 BM>>>> Nor I -- plus the virtual part isn't all being done at the same time
 BM>>>> so not a real-time competition.  Will have to see how it is done and
 BM>>>> turns out!
 NB>>>> And have to let me know... :)
 BM>>> OK. :)  Hopefully "Ch 6" will broadcast coverage again this year so I
 BM>>> can also give that link.  (More detail than :))
 NB>>> Just a quick summary will probably suffice... ;)
 BM>> Submissions for the race are starting today so will be easier to get
 BM>> the idea of how it's being put together.
 NB>> So they are still going along with doing it.... :)
 BM> Yes.  I was on the website the other day but didn't figure out how the race
 BM> was to be won.  The live race goes up a steep hill, turns right
 BM> and that part of the course has minor hills and valleys, makes a
 BM> U-turn, so back along the 'top' section with the minor hills and
 BM> valleys, left and back down the hill.  With the virtual race could do
 BM> on a treadmill which could emulate the elevations of the real course, could
 BM> run a flat track in air conditioning -- that seems like cheating!
Hopefully they have some way of verifying the proper emulations....
ttyl       neb

... "Are you ready?"  "No, but that's never stopped me before!"

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