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Subject: Re: PING Question Date: Wed Aug 12 2020 03:50 pm
From: Nancy Backus To: Barry Martin

-=> Quoting Barry Martin to Nancy Backus on 11-Jul-2020 09:40 <=-

 NB>>> Right... don't want to treat unnecessarily, but also don't want to
 NB>>> ignore a true problem...  Saw my GYN last week, BP was normal enough
 NB>>> there, so added it to the list for my PCP to see... ;)
 BM>> Yes: white coat syndrome, slight anxiety leftover from that car almost
 BM>> not stopping in time on the way to your appointment, etc., could cause
 BM>> a transient fluctuation.
 NB>> Mine seem to be more from looking for a parking spot in the garage,
 NB>> or having to watch the waitingroom TV... ;)
 BM> Some of those daytime TV shows will elevates one's blood pressure!

That's for sure... :) 
 BM>> From my sitting at the Computer Desk vantage point it seems the slow-
 BM>> but-sure opening (25%, then 50%...) makes more sense as easier to
 BM>> control gatherings just because less numbers.  Of course that does
 BM>> assume compliance.
 NB>> Indeed.  And states that do have the compliance are able to move
 NB>> forward.... ;)
 BM> Which of course is a good thing, just still have be cautious, if not
 BM> additionally cautious because of increased potential for accidental
 BM> contact/transmission.

Hence the continued masking and distancing... 
 BM>> The financial side of things -- <head spinning>.  LISB4, fortunately
 BM>> I/we are retired and so our incomes were unaffected.  Those working,
 BM>> relying on paychecks to come in... <wince>  Fortunately many creditors
 BM>> are letting payments slide - for a while - but that money will have to
 BM>> be made up.
 NB>> As businesses reopen, and workers get back to work, things should
 NB>> improve... and the true loan forgiveness programs (as opposed to
 NB>> the scams that pop up as well) should help some, too.... :)
 BM> True: more working, more money.  One item that will be interesting is
 BM> Illinois had passed a bill some time back to increase the minimum wage
 BM> effective July 1.  Great for the workers, not so great for the
 BM> employers, especially the small businesses who had expressed concerns about
 BM> being able to pay before the coronavirus issues.

Had they been paying even a little more than minimum before, the new
rules wouldn't have been so onerous, though... I realize that often
businesses are operating on shoestring budgets, but the place to balance
things shouldn't be the wages paid to employees... 
 NB>>>> They'd have to be revising rates across the entire spectrum of
 NB>>>> customers in your area, to do any sort of rate increase, I'd think...
 BM>>> The insurance companies might want to think twice as I'd guess at
 BM>>> least 50% of the houses in this area have had new roofs in the last
 BM>>> month. Semi-unrelated is there have been ads on TV stating the Iowa
 BM>>> Attorney General will prosecute price gouging due to COVID-19 and based
 BM>>> on what he and his office has done in the past probably at least thirty
 BM>>> years wouldn't have a problem investigating unnecessary insurance
 BM>>> increases.
 NB>>> It could well be argued that these are extraordinary circumstances,
 NB>>> and rates shouldn't be raised... also that the houses in question
 NB>>> have increased their value and decreased their liability... ;)
 BM>> That's true!
 NB>> So you should be ok... ;)
 BM> We'll see next month.  This month is 'make-up' month for the mortgage:
 BM> we have the taxes, insurance, etc., combined with the mortgage and
 BM> this is the month any corrections are made.

Probably too soon for any increases to be processed anyway, I'd think...

ttyl          neb

... All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt

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