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Subject: Miss.RvrDamBre Date: Tue Jul 28 2020 08:11 am
From: Barry Martin To: Nancy Backus

Hi Nancy!

 NB>> Starting with this message, I'm removing the "Resend" from the
 NB>> Subject line... should make things a little less confusing... :)
 BM> OK, thanks -- you know me and updating those subjects!
 NB> I'm not all that great at updating them either, but avoiding
 NB> confusion is a good reason to make a little effort... ;)

And I thought confusion just helped keep us alert!

 BM>>> That probably would be a good assessment!  The rest of us can come up
 BM>>> with alternate uses which may or may not via viable -- for some reason
 BM>>> 'emergency housing' had popped in to my head.  Pile around a few HESCO
 BM>>> barriers like so many Lego blocks; no idea on the roof.
 NB>>> A very large tarp....?  <G>
 BM>> <chuckle>  I was thinking that; how supported didn't immediately come
 BM>> to mind.  Though I'm thinking BIG rooms/areas: gymnasium-sized.
 BM>> Smaller areas would require shorter roof supports which would be easier
 BM>> to obtain or create.
 NB>> Large enough, and one could just fasten it down on the tops of the
 NB>> barriers.... Maybe some tentpoles judiciously placed.... ;)
 BM> Tent poles would probably be the best.  No real reasoning, just seems
 BM> to make sense.
 NB> I'm almost picturing a circus Big Top... ;)

That would work!

 BM>>  Locally a lot of crowd-events have been cancelled or
 BM>> being modified ==> the Bix (foot) race is going virtual; the John Deere
 BM>> Golf Tournament cancelled until next year.  (Both are international
 BM>> events.)
 NB>> Our International Jazz Festival was postponed to October... we shall
 NB>> see if that holds or not.... It's usually held the end of June, and
 NB>> draws major crowds.... :)
 BM> Equivalent here is probably the Bix (Beiderbecke) -- this year being
 BM> held virtually July 31st and August 1st.
 NB> Almost time for it now.... ;)

This weekend!  ...Haven't heard much about it this year: usually the
week before advisories about street closures which leads in to the event

 NB>>> Nothing to say.... generally, if at that sort of party, sat on the
 NB>>> outskirts and just observed others making fools of themselves... ;)
 BM>> <grin in agreement> I'll admit to being a sort of 'social wallflower'
 BM>> - drinking has minimal appeal to me.  I do drink, but one will probably
 BM>> last me at least an hour.  "Getting wild and crazy" just isn't me.  To
 BM>> modify, 'always the designated driver, never the partier'.
 NB>> Wild and crazy isn't me, either.... if there's a good single malt
 NB>> available, I'll have some, but those are for sipping, not guzzling...
 BM> Right.  Plus sipping allows for longer enjoyment (and a smaller bar
 BM> bill, and probably no hangover!).
 NB> Exactly. :)
Sort of along that line The District in Rock Island (IL) is a several 
block pedestrian mall with small shops, bars and restaurants.  Due to a 
past spike the bars had to close an hour earlier (from 3 a.m. to 2) for 
a month.  The mayor was trying to maintain or at least extend the 2 a.m. closing
but the alderman voted to go back to the 3 a.m. closing.  One of
those 'will be interesting to see what happens' with that hour re- 

 BM>>> Yes.  The other day she was entertaining a white moth.  Don't recall
 BM>>> how it start but she had a ~3/4" moth on her finger and it was just
 BM>>> sitting there, quite contented, every so often stretching its wings but
 BM>>> made no attempt to fly off, so no fear on its behalf.  "Mr. Moth" got a
 BM>>> tour of the deck in the back yard, placed on a couple of small statues,
 BM>>> stayed on them for a while walking a little, then Autumn put him back
 BM>>> on her finger to continue the tour.  Eventually to the front yard, then
 BM>>> returned.  Finally she placed him in a potted plant on the deck, in
 BM>>> the shade,  Mr. Moth sort of 'looked around' for a minute then crawled
 BM>>> under the flower.
 NB>>> Sounds like she could have a career as an insect "whisperer"... ;)
 NB>>> Rather impressive that the moth was willing to go on the whole tour
 NB>>> like that... ;)
 BM>> We thought so!
 NB>> And she probably just took it as a natural thing, that the moth would
 NB>> want to be taking on a tour of the yard by her.... ;)
 BM> <chuckle> Yes -- she did sort of realize it wasn't the usual for a
 BM> moth to hang around like that, but as he did then enjoy each other's
 BM> company and let's explore together.
 NB> Probably hasn't happened again since...  :)

Oddly enough yesterday!  The moth almost seemed to be the same one: a
little bigger.  Towards the end he did seem to be tired: Autumn had him
doing some tricks which he did do rather perkily at the beginning but
seemed to be tiring out.  We did persuade her to give him a nap -- ended
up a few naps as she'd let him rest for a few minutes, get antsy and 
figured that was long enough and want to play/go back to training.  At 
the end she did put him on a flowered shrub near the fence.

 NB>> And if you are getting the same heat wave we're getting,
 NB>> everything is likely to be put on hold for a little while... ;)
 BM> It's been a 'little warm' here lately and will continue through
 BM> Thursday: has been hitting the mid-90's with heat indices in the low 100's.
 BM> Work up a sweat watering the flowers after dinner!!
 NB> Almost all of July has been too hot here... we keep having Heat
 NB> Advisorys for indices in the high 90s/100 or so... We're in one
 NB> as I type, as a matter of fact....

We just finished one of those last weekend; did some work in the latter 
half of the morning after things dried from the overnight humidity 
and/or rain.  Afternoon and evening just too hot.

                         »                     «
                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «
                         »                     «
                         »  (Humans know what  «
                         »     to remove.)     «

... "I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it." - Mae West
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