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Subject: weather Date: Tue Jul 28 2020 08:11 am
From: Barry Martin To: Nancy Backus

Hi Nancy!
 BM>>> Yes.  My cousin probably would have suggested NK for Austria's postal
 BM>>> abbreviation: No Kangaroos!  The Austrians do make a joke of being
 BM>>> mixed up with Australia: post cards, t-shirts, etc., will have a
 BM>>> silhouette of a kangaroo overlaid with the slashed circle and other
 BM>>> joke references.
 NB>>> Ok for souvenirs, but one would think that for official something
 NB>>> more reasonable would be better, like the .at instead... ;)
 BM>> Yes: fine for the joke reminder, for official anything definitely not.
 NB>> Besides, one never knows... there might be a kangaroo in an Austrian
 NB>> zoo.... ;)
 BM> With the sign "I'm lost!" <g>  ...Apparently there was an incident in
 BM> 2018 and they don't know where the kangaroo came from:
 BM> Checking stuff:  Kirchschlag is about a 1½ hour drive east of Vienna;
 BM> that's some hopping!
 NB> Those large back legs do cover the territory... ;)

Agree, though one would think a big hopping critter like a kangaroo 
would stand out.  Not necessary 'all points bulletin' but as a 

 BM>> As for mail I doubt if the icon would even be considered: mail sorting
 BM>> is generally automated and the machines just 'look' at the address.
 BM>> Even when human intervention is needed (machine unable to sort) AFAIK
 BM>> it's generally a picture of the envelope front and the person doing
 BM>> the reading would probably ignore anything but the address portion, or
 BM>> certainly isn't allowed the time to admire a slashed kangaroo.  And
 BM>> probably wouldn't 'get' the meaning as dealing with Albania,
 BM>> Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, etc., etc.
 NB>> Postal mail tends to have its own set of official abbreviations...
 NB>> and one can always be more careful and spell it out entirely... ;)
 BM> True, though "Austria" and "Australia" are somewhat close enough to be
 BM> confused.  ..Maybe like the old luggage joke: I went to Cincinnati, my
 BM> luggage went to Tokyo, Istanbul....
 NB> Just think of the tales that luggage could tell when it got
 NB> back... <G>
And comes back with t-shirts and trinkets from the travels!

 NB> All July has been mostly too hot... only had the occasonal night
 NB> cool enough to make much difference in the house... Thankfully
 NB> restaurants are starting to open for eat in, so we've gone out a
 NB> number of times just for a leisurely meal in lovely cool
 NB> air-conditioning... ;)

Which reminds me: I had a spam e-mail for the personal air conditioner 
like my Mother had me get for my Aunt a couple years ago.  Wasn't from
the company but someone else attempting to sell.

 BM>>> Anyway, dry when they were here; shingling is done and looks nice.  Now
 BM>>> just waiting for the trim: gutters, awnings, etc.  Got a call yesterday
 BM>>> from the coordinating company hired by the insurance company saying
 BM>>> there's going to be a wait as running behind.  At least the important
 BM>>> part is done.
 NB>>> As long as it gets done reasonably expeditiously... ;)
 BM>> Yes.  And might be "anyone can shingle" but special equipment is
 BM>> needed to form the gutters and window sills..
 NB>> Possibly...
 BM> See what happens.  Not going to 'push' too hard in July but if nothing done
 BM> by the beginning of August will talk with the insurance agent to
 BM> get things going.  OTOH theoretically the coordinating contractor
 BM> isn't getting paid except for what we paid for the deductible until the job
 BM> is completed. so that would seem like an incentive.
 NB> Has that finally been done....?

Not yet.  Think I told you the gutter guys showed up (no one calls?) and
they had been told the wrong size.  Original contract showed 5" gutters (wrong);
the review changed to 6" (correct).  The guys had 5" gutters
plus not enough.  ... Couple of weeks later show up (no one calls II ?) 
-- 6" gutters, sufficient materials, and also replaced the window sills 
dented by the hail.

Siding -- still waiting on that.  Only a few panels to be replaced and 
so has to match.  Gutter guys were also supposed to do that but the 
panels they brought were the wrong colour: ours is a light gray and 
they were give a medium gray.  Did find out the guy at the office who 
was supposed to be doing the corrections and research had been fired; 
we're just caught up in the residue.  

Awnings and screens -- so far nothing on either.

                         »                     «
                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «
                         »                     «
                         »  (Humans know what  «
                         »     to remove.)     «

... Deja-vu & amnesia: I've forgotten that before.
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