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Subject: Y2K again..? Date: Tue Jul 28 2020 08:11 am
From: Barry Martin To: Nancy Backus

Hi Nancy!

 NB> Still slogging along... keep missing days, still a lot
 NB> happening... and still too hot and humid to function all that
 NB> well...

Good news: it will cool down!  This weekend we're supposed to have high
temperatures of only 80°!

 NB>>> On the other hand, if it's a brand you buy regularly and haven't
 NB>>> had the problem before, one might look for a phone number and let
 NB>>> them know, in case there was some problem at the packing plant...
 BM>> Like I did with those petroleum-smelling oyster crackers.  Just went to
 BM>> the store rather than calling -- calling never came to mind.
 NB>> Going to the store you at least call their attention to the problem,
 NB>> hopefully they'd follow up with the manufacturer... ;)
 BM> Sort of along those lines.  I have no idea of the follow-up.  Had
 BM> happened to see and ask the person who was head cashier at the time
 BM> about it -- she looked horrified.  Service Desk person more looked
 BM> surprised and 'just' took the package and placed in a bin behind a
 BM> wall. I don't recall anything like attaching a note for later work,
 BM> though behind the wall could be stickers and grabbed back there.  Or
 BM> could just be "customer return - dispose".
 NB> True... I'd hope they'd at least do some followup with the
 NB> manufacturer... a recall might have been in order, possibly....

Yes.  (...I'm trying to figure out how to phrase this - not to be nice,
just to say it.)  I'm thinking a lot of followup depends on the people: 
would each individual in the chain do something?  Would I have returned 
the petroleum-smelling crackers or just tossed?  Would the service desk 
person mark to check further or just toss in the trash?  Someone or 
somehow the information has to be forwarded to manufacturer and action 
done there.

 NB>>> Just a bit wary for a while... ;)
 BM>> For some reason yes. <g>  And if I had detected an off-odor would have
 BM>> calmly reported it to a manager.  Even if an employee I knew was
 BM>> standing right there.  Probably tell them, but they don't generally
 BM>> have authority to pull merchandise and may or may not inform a manager.
 BM>> Could have intentions but get side-tracked and forget....
 NB>> Yes, probably best to go right to the manager....
 BM> There have been times when I've 'apologized' to the employee ahead of
 BM> explaining my issue: some things I know is probably above their level
 BM> of authority and so I'll need to talk to someone higher but they're
 BM> going to help me and I appreciate that.
 NB> And probably your previous store experience plays into how you
 NB> approach such situations...  :)

Yes -- and my overall attitude even before Life In Retail.  

 BM>>>> I'll have to add that to my list of things to check when I go over
 BM>>>> again -- doesn't look like this year due to the residual and on-going
 BM>>>> effects of COVID-19.
 NB>>>> It's a shame how much stuff has had to be cancelled or put on hold
 NB>>>> this year.... hopefully by next year things will indeed be settled
 NB>>>> down again properly....  :)
 BM>>> Yes....  I was checking something else and appears the hotel I have
 BM>>> been staying when visiting my Aunt in Vienna is open.  Didn't check on
 BM>>> flights -- last I checked there were none out of Boston and only 3x/wk
 BM>>> out of New Jersey.
 NB>>> And then there's the question of whether or not the borders would be
 NB>>> open for travelers... and how long of a quarantine would be imposed...
 BM>> I have been "lightly monitoring" just because of-interest but not to
 BM>> the level of needing details
 NB>> Eventually things will go back to normal enough... :)
 BM> Yes.  I half-expect temperature checks to continue -- IMO not a bad
 BM> thing, not only to catch and isolate a potential COVID-19 patient but
 BM> also to capture some other infection and help prevent that from
 BM> spreading.  Probably more automated than someone sticking a
 BM> thermometer gun to ones forehead.
 NB> Hard to say... perhaps some places more than others... not even
 NB> my doctor offices are consistent with taking temps... :)  Some
 NB> do, some don't...

Hmm!  Minimal experience here but so far all visits where physically
there a quick run through the symptoms list and temperature has been 
done; where I haven't been their 'progress through this' e-mails have  indicated
a similar check would be done.   ...Could sort of see skipping temperature
checking if the offices are related and your appointments 
were within a short span of time: you visited Dr. Smith yesterday and 
Dr. Wesson  today.  Both are affiliated with Jones Hospital and can 
share patient data: you were fine yesterday so no real need to update 

                         »                     «
                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «
                         »                     «
                         »  (Humans know what  «
                         »     to remove.)     «

... Daffynition: Gross anatomy -- a really ugly cadaver.
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