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Subject: Re: Covid-19 was: Date: Tue Jul 28 2020 10:28 am
From: Daryl Stout To: Nancy Backus


 NB> Or they buy them at the reservations....


 DS> Pure unadulerated selfishness.

 NB> And or lack of thought...  There are places where fireworks can be
 NB> relatively safely fired off, and other places where it is totally
 NB> foolhardy....

  I saw a vehicle this morning, go right through the intersection, while
the left turn signal was red. There was no approaching traffic, but the
signal was still red. I lamented "Where's a cop when you need him??".

 NB> She WAS the provider, I the client... :)  I likewise try to give
 NB> sufficent notice.... I don't think any of my doctors charge a no-show
 NB> fee, but then I've never tested that out by doing it...

  You don't want to. Plus, it's a bear trying to reschedule...and that
was before COVID-19.


... Do not look into laser with remaining eye.
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