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Subject: Re: Shopping And Time Date: Tue Jul 28 2020 10:01 am
From: Daryl Stout To: Barry Martin


 DS>   I can't fit inside the computer. I'm not like that AARP
 DS> magazine cartoon, where this guy in a hazmat suit is in the
 DS> patients room, with the doctor...who tells the patient "I thought
 DS> you'd like to meet our colonoscopy specialist before we
 DS> minaturize him". :P

 BM> Why am I thinking the Kratt Brothers?  (Show on PBS Kids about two
 BM> adult brothers and their friends who explore Nature and save animals by
 BM> using the animal's superpower.  They also have a Miniaturizer to reduce
 BM> them to a size matching the animal.)

  The main reason I watched PBS was for "A.M. Weather", "Nova", and "Mister
Rogers Neighborhood" (can you say information overload, boys and girls??) <G>.

 DS>   It's a small blue sign, noting something like "To Report
 DS> Problem Or Malfunction, call [toll free phone number]"...and it
 DS> notes "Milepost" and "DOT ID". That way, they know exactly where
 DS> the problem it a malfunctioning signal, broken gate,
 DS> vehicle blocking the crossing, or a problem with the train
 DS> itself.

 BM> Now if they only had a phone!  (I'm thinking more the old days before
 BM> everyone had a cell phone.)

  I have mine with me when I'm out and case of witnessing a
wreck, a railroad crossing issue, etc.

 DS>   There's usually an optical illusion, as the train is closer
 DS> than it appears to be.

 BM> So one could be in a real jam if see a train in the side-view mirrors!
 BM> (Usually those mirrors have the warming "objects may appear closer than
 BM> they appear".)

  In that case, you likely were told by the GPS Girl to "turn here", and
ended up on the tracks. :P

 DS>   It's on a table, near my bed...but the monitor is turned off at
 DS> night, and I've got it set for the display to go off after 5
 DS> minutes.

 BM> Hopefully that's not like setting a timer or snooze alarm for five minutes:

  It's usually nocturia that wakes me. But the monitor is larger than 
the laptop screen, so it blocks the glare enough, so it won't wake me.

 DS>   Now, if insomnia hits, I work at the computer to get fatigued
 DS> enough to get back to sleep.

 BM> I wonder if there's a "Boring Sites" hit by the search engine?!
 BM> ...Well that didn't quite work: most hits were for things to look at
 BM> when bored (so anti-boredom).

  It isn't for lack of material on the web. :P


... I thought I was wrong, but I was mistaken.
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