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Subject: Re: Various Things Date: Mon Aug 10 2020 01:38 pm
From: Daryl Stout To: Barry Martin


 BM> Everything and body is biased!  If it weren't for politics and weather
 BM> the news programmes would be just five minutes long (with commercials

  The majority of the commercials are downright stupid. But, there are
some I don't mind seeing again and again.

 DS>   What is "nd';t" ?? I guess fat fingered censors didn't want you
 DS> to type "don't". Or, are you using secret codes?? <G>

 BM> Yes.  'Now I muss keel yew' as Achmed would say.

  Did you see his video when all of them got arrested by the California
Highway Police (CHIPS), for disorderly conduct??

  Jeff is the detective, and toward the end, he has them lined up along 
the "mug shot line" read the card, which says "Silence. I Kill You".
Peanut looked at it, and asked "Seriously??!!" You had Peanut, Walter, 
Bubba Jo, and Achmed. You can guess who blew up the police station. <G>

 BM> With cell phone, notebooks and laptops it wouldn't be that hard!

  Well, you need to have a place to set it when you "are done". :P

 BM> I don't know: there used to be sort of a friendly competition with a
 BM> local meteorologist and an 'amateur' weather observer, the latter
 BM> making his forecasts based on the various critters' activities and
 BM> coatings, and the like.  The meteorologist moved to a different part of the
 BM> country and that ended that..

  I would say so.

 BM> ... December 19: Underdog Day
 DS>   There's no need to fear...Christmas in 6 days will be here. <G>

 BM> And then see the tagline for the day after.

 BM> ... December 26: National Whiner's Day.  (Hmmm: Christmas is the 25th!)

  Yep...especially when the bills arrive.


... Washington, DC -- America's work free drugplace.
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