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Subject: Re: Covid-19 was: Date: Mon Jul 27 2020 06:11 pm
From: Nancy Backus To: Barry Martin

-=> Quoting Barry Martin to Nancy Backus on 07-Jul-2020 09:51 <=-

 NB>> Next door, with their high-school graduate, had a string of parties
 NB>> to celebrate... At one of them, they had the now-legal ground
 NB>> fireworks which they set off from the front walk... I could see
 NB>> them out the window, being only next-door...  :)
 BM> Here Iowa allows whatever the next classification of fireworks is
 BM> above sparklers; Bettendorf allows July 3rd and 4th from 2 p.m. until
 BM> 11 p.m.. plus for New Year's.  The evening of July 3rd was noisy; July
 BM> 4....!!! I'm quite certain because of no public displays anyone
 BM> interested in having their own did so!  We went outside for a while and
 BM> surrounded! :) The only problem was with the trees surrounding the property
 BM> most of the displays were 'window blinded' by the leaves and branches but
 BM> still got a decent show.  And some were in between the
 BM> trees so a clear view. 

The same happened here, since large gathering wasn't allowed, there were
fireworks everywhere instead.... :)

 BM> This morning (7th) the morning show meteorologist did comment there
 BM> were a few isolated fireworks still last night -- with the glance to
 BM> the anchor at the news desk about 15' away of no wonder we're tired
 BM> (they probably start their shift around 3 a.m.).

We're still getting isolated fireworks again.... :)
 NB>> And then, on the 4th... there were fireworks everywhere... all
 NB>> through the neighborhood.... all day and well into the night... :) 
 NB>> From the sound, some were legal... from the sight over the trees,
 NB>> some not... <G>
 BM> <he-he!>  I don't think there were any illegal fireworks around here,
 BM> or at least none that stood out.  A couple years ago someone on the
 BM> next street over shot off what seemed like an M80 in the early evening;
 BM> that one brought people to the front doors trying to figure out what
 BM> exploded!  We were half-expecting to hear either hear a car racing off
 BM> to the hospital and an ambulance coming.

That happens once in a while here... and a little more often up at the
Pond... :)   
 NB>>> Or just the therapist sees a lot of high-risk clients, vs not so
 NB>>> high-risk.... She'd chickened out about a week before the shutdown,
 NB>>> as the virus was arriving... Possibly she could have done a rub or two
 NB>>> "under the radar", not at the office, but doing a home visit, but she
 NB>>> wasn't ready to risk things either.... Anyway, now we are back on a
 NB>>> weekly schedule, thankfully... :)
 BM>> Yes, IMO not worth risking the license -- permanently or temporarily.
 BM>> As for 'chickening out', maybe, maybe not.  She may have foreseen the
 BM>> issue and simply took action before others did.
 NB>> No, that was her words, when she called the morning of to cancel that
 NB>> last appointment....
 BM> OK -- sometimes one gets a premonition or something or something just
 BM> doesn't feel right.  She seemed to be right to close, even though a
 BM> week early by standards (being ahead of everyone else isn't necessarily
 BM> a bad thing!).

She was also one of the first in her office to re-open... :)
 BM>> Yes.  Frozen is looking more full but still holes.  Did notice one
 BM>> strange thing yesterday: frost!  Several of the cases had a pretty
 BM>> good amount of frost build-up.  My guess is a combination of air leaks
 BM>> in the doors (by the frost pattern), humidity, and the new cases being
 BM>> set a little too cold.
 NB>> Were they already stocked...?  Or still mostly empty...?  that could
 NB>> have an effect, too...
 BM> Both!  Some cases were full, some empty, a couple/few partially
 BM> stocked. Most cases didn't have the frost.  During the past week's
 BM> meandering did notice only a few of the cases had a frost build-up and that
 BM> was way down from the previous week.

Guess they are finding the sweet spot...  ;) 
ttyl        neb

... "I know I'm underdressed," said Tom briefly.

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