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Subject: Re: Y2K again..? Date: Mon Jul 27 2020 04:42 pm
From: Nancy Backus To: Barry Martin

-=> Quoting Barry Martin to Nancy Backus on 05-Jul-2020 08:32 <=-

Still slogging along... keep missing days, still a lot happening... and
still too hot and humid to function all that well...

 NB>>> On the other hand, if it's a brand you buy regularly and haven't
 NB>>> had the problem before, one might look for a phone number and let
 NB>>> them know, in case there was some problem at the packing plant...
 BM>> Like I did with those petroleum-smelling oyster crackers.  Just went to
 BM>> the store rather than calling -- calling never came to mind.
 NB>> Going to the store you at least call their attention to the problem,
 NB>> hopefully they'd follow up with the manufacturer... ;)
 BM> Sort of along those lines.  I have no idea of the follow-up.  Had
 BM> happened to see and ask the person who was head cashier at the time
 BM> about it -- she looked horrified.  Service Desk person more looked
 BM> surprised and 'just' took the package and placed in a bin behind a
 BM> wall. I don't recall anything like attaching a note for later work,
 BM> though behind the wall could be stickers and grabbed back there.  Or
 BM> could just be "customer return - dispose". 

True... I'd hope they'd at least do some followup with the
manufacturer... a recall might have been in order, possibly....

 BM> ...And the 'problem' is I'm
 BM> considering from how I would be handling the issue when I was working
 BM> at my store, not the grocery store's policies.  We didn't sell food and
 BM> most of our returns were "didn't fit" or "didn't like" but resellable.

Which is indeed a different story...  :) 
 NB>>> Just a bit wary for a while... ;)
 BM>> For some reason yes. <g>  And if I had detected an off-odor would have
 BM>> calmly reported it to a manager.  Even if an employee I knew was
 BM>> standing right there.  Probably tell them, but they don't generally
 BM>> have authority to pull merchandise and may or may not inform a manager.
 BM>> Could have intentions but get side-tracked and forget....
 NB>> Yes, probably best to go right to the manager....
 BM> There have been times when I've 'apologized' to the employee ahead of
 BM> explaining my issue: some things I know is probably above their level
 BM> of authority and so I'll need to talk to someone higher but they're
 BM> going to help me and I appreciate that.

And probably your previous store experience plays into how you approach
such situations...  :)
 BM>>>> I'll have to add that to my list of things to check when I go over
 BM>>>> again -- doesn't look like this year due to the residual and on-going
 BM>>>> effects of COVID-19.
 NB>>>> It's a shame how much stuff has had to be cancelled or put on hold
 NB>>>> this year.... hopefully by next year things will indeed be settled
 NB>>>> down again properly....  :)
 BM>>> Yes....  I was checking something else and appears the hotel I have
 BM>>> been staying when visiting my Aunt in Vienna is open.  Didn't check on
 BM>>> flights -- last I checked there were none out of Boston and only 3x/wk
 BM>>> out of New Jersey.
 NB>>> And then there's the question of whether or not the borders would be
 NB>>> open for travelers... and how long of a quarantine would be imposed...
 BM>> I have been "lightly monitoring" just because of-interest but not to
 BM>> the level of needing details
 NB>> Eventually things will go back to normal enough... :)
 BM> Yes.  I half-expect temperature checks to continue -- IMO not a bad
 BM> thing, not only to catch and isolate a potential COVID-19 patient but
 BM> also to capture some other infection and help prevent that from
 BM> spreading.  Probably more automated than someone sticking a
 BM> thermometer gun to ones forehead.

Hard to say... perhaps some places more than others... not even my
doctor offices are consistent with taking temps... :)  Some do, some
ttyl         neb

... Think of it as French cuisine and go to Jacques En Le Carton!

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