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Subject: Proper Shutdown Date: Sun Jul 26 2020 09:02 am
From: Barry Martin To: Daryl Stout

Hi Daryl!

 BM> I've seen similar.  LIS don't know for sure but assume it was some sort
 BM> of a natural electrical phenomenon.  No sound: so no thunder and also
 BM> no crackling or any other audio/visual distrubance.
 DS>   Thunder always happens with lightning...caused by the sudden
 DS> expansion of temperature in the lightning channel. Now, in the
 DS> summer, folks say they see "heat lightning" from the hot weather.
 DS> It's actually lightning from a thunderstorm, that's too far away
 DS> for thunder to be heard.

This event was almost for-certain right here!  Both of us recall the  brightness
was in front of us as the 'back' was darker.  

 DS>   I saw a bill from Terminix in the post office box (via the
 DS> app), and I have already called them, and said I'd pay it a week
 DS> from Monday (August 3), when my disability gets in. Since that
 DS> was the only piece of "mail", I've decided to stay home until
 DS> Monday. As per an earlier message, thunderstorms are forecast
 DS> here much of next week, so not much in the line of BBS or
 DS> computer work, let alone errands, will get done. But, I have to
 DS> go get that Low-T shot.

Yes, if that's the only piece of mail and it's already been taken care 
of no need to rush down to the Post Office.  ...Will be 'interesting' to
see what we get for mail Monday.  Saturday's (yesterday's) mail 
notification thing said we were to get two bills and an unknown 
(usually is magazines or weekly micro-newspaper-mostly-grocery-ads 
thing).  No mail delivered here, saw the postman walking along the 
street which probably means Linda to the north didn't get any mail 
either (the carriers usually cut across the yards).  Sort of watched 
across the street and most on that side got 'missed'.  Could see if no
deliveries at all because of the heat but there were a couple.

 BM> Not really, plus a lot of uncertainty.  Thinking primarily of airline
 BM> employees which will put a big dent in the employment numbers in
 BM> October. That will have a trickle-down (more torrent!) effect on the
 BM> economy. And probably quite a few other employment segments, just the
 BM> airlines have been on the news lately.
 DS>   I hate to see the prices for holiday travel this year. Plus,
 DS> they cram folks in like sardines, into that steel tube. At least
 DS> if I went Amtrak, I'd have my own private sleeping
 DS> compartment...and could have the porter bring me the meals.

Some U.S. airlines are pretty much cramming everyone together 'as 
needed' while other airlines are not selling the center seat to give 
some distancing.  AFAIC a better option but still not enough.  Right now
if I _had_ to fly I'd be choosing the airline/flight with the empty 
center seat.  

 DS>   On Amtrak, tipping isn't required or expected, but if your
 DS> attendant gives good service, it's a courtesy...and that's how I
 DS> feel about it.

Yes: a tip should be extra, on top of; as you said, for better-than-
expected service, attitude, etc.  OTOH I suppose not giving the staff a
full paycheck and expecting the amount missing to be made up by tips is
one way to keep the servers 'hungry' and so encourage them to give good
service (as opposed to plopping the food before the patron) -- I don't
know: I never worked in a restaurant.....

 BM> To me makes more sense also.  Doesn't make sense to have a minumum wage and
 BM> then have a group excluded, expected to make a living on 'gifts'
 BM> (the tips), and frequently the tip is shared amongst the server,
 BM> busboy, kitchen staff.  Well what if the meal was cooked poorly but the
 BM> server tried to correct -- I don't have a way to 'punish' the cook but
 BM> 'treat' the server.....
 DS>   Years ago, I worked at a restaurant, that had "the community
 DS> tip fund". Whether you laxed around in serving customers, or went
 DS> the extra mile, everyone got the same tip...and to me, that
 DS> wasn't right.

Agree.  I'm tipping _my_ server, not the one in the next aisle over.  
OTOH there are some restaurants where the servers work together: one 
server may take the order and be the main server, when the food comes 
out two or three other servers help the main server present the food.

 DS>   A few weeks back, at a local McDonald's the total was $9.29,
 DS> but the cashier said it was $11.11 -- when I said "that's not
 DS> what the menu board says", he replied "I'm trying to get a
 DS> tip" which, I thought to myself "you greedy fool!!". I know
 DS> they don't pay restaurant workers that much (I worked for Burger
 DS> King for 5 years 40 years ago), but that's not the way to get
 DS> extra money.
 BM> Definately not.  Would be tempting to call for a manager but as verbal
 BM> would have been a case of "he said/she said" -- pretty doubtful someone
 BM> else would have been paying attention mych less overheard the
 BM> transaction.
 DS>   In nearly all the McDonald's restaurants in the Little Rock
 DS> area, the management seemingly doesn't care. Before my Mom's
 DS> death a year ago, I'd stop by the McDonald's in Lonoke (at least
 DS> 25 miles east of Little Rock), at Exit 175 and Interstate
 DS> 40...their service was much better. The nursing home was a few
 DS> miles away, but I wanted something to eat before heading back
 DS> home.

I remember years ago McDonald's was having some sort of a special and 
one or the other of us was working late so picking up a fast meal made 
sense.  On the way home there are two McDonald's, one about four miles 
from the house on the right, so easy to get in and out but the food 
would cool down a bit before getting home.  The other was about a mile 
from the house, so the food would be still hot but getting in and out 
was not as convenient as on the left.  Both on busy four-lane roads.

One McDonald's used buns with sesame seeds, the other plain.  One used 
sliced onions, the other chopped (and so more like a relish).  Couple of
other differences.

 DS>   At least my late wife was receptive to all my hobbies. We met
 DS> on a BBS at the local college 35 years ago. The college is still
 DS> there, the BBS is gone.
 BM> Janice might have been thinking "hey, that guy has a cute font!". <g>
 DS>   Well, she was a user, Co-Sysop, and wife. I
 DS> sure do miss her. :'(

She sounds like she was a very nice person.

 BM> There are some TV shows we both like, there are some one or the other
 BM> is OK with, there are some one watches while the other is off doing
 BM> something else.
 DS>   Janice could watch the most graphic blood, guts, and gore
 DS> animal cruelty, or medical show. Give her a bag of pork rinds and
 DS> a soda, and she was happy as a clam. I either hid in the back
 DS> room, or took the dachshund for a walk.

I'm not into the graphic stuff nor animal cruelty though can watch a
'dissection' and not get queasy so I get the "is it over yet?" "Nope!
...  OK, you can open your eyes now".

 BM> ... Each storage case automatically becomes portable when carried.
 DS>    Portable storage?? :P
 BM> We just said the case, nothing about the contents!!
 DS>   Classified information?? :P See the tagline below.
 DS> ... Washington, DC -- America's work free drugplace.

One would have thought with the cameras and C-SPAN watching they would 
have changed to get work done; instead seems to be a lot of showboating
going on.

                         »                     «
                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «
                         »                     «
                         »  (Humans know what  «
                         »     to remove.)     «

... "Can you tell me when my past due amount is due?" 
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