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Subject: Support And Scams Date: Sun Jul 26 2020 09:02 am
From: Barry Martin To: Daryl Stout

Hi Daryl!

 DS>   That's what the electronics are nowadays, instead of tubes. :P
 DS>   I hope I don't have to go down that road.
 BM> You don't wan't to because a 'tube' is a subway so unless you're the
 BM> engineer you don't want to be driving!
 DS>   Is more than one ba a tuba?? <G>
Possibly, and an extra large one is a tubby!

 BM> True, but there's a difference between 911 calls and those to customer
 BM> service.
 DS>   With all the rioting now, there may soon be a day when calling
 DS> 911 will do no good.
Ah: you've seen those commercials!  In general I think the 'defund the 
police' is wrong -- who is going to protect from burgulars, etc.?  I do 
agree some officers, probably some police departments, are overzealous, 
use excessive force, and that needs to be corrected.  

 DS> I did 3 weeks as a 911 operator, and the
 DS> stress is extreme, off the charts. You deal with things like:
 DS> 1) Complaints about a barking dog.
 DS> 2) Attempted suicide.
 DS> 3) "I just shot my spouse, you [censored]. WTH are you going to
 DS> do about it??" 4) A guy with a .357 magnum, shooting at anything
 DS> that moves.
 DS>   I wasn't even getting 2 hours of sleep a night, for all the
 DS> stress. The officer told me "only 1 out of 100 folks can handle
 DS> that". I admire them for that.

I couldn't do emergency type calls: I don't like stress so tend to avoid
it; I tend to take some things personally and get me <piddled> off and 
there can be an explosion.

 BM> Hopefully you receive the refund soon.  Might have to have a few extra
 BM> checks because of the nature of the refund: going to a different
 BM> person, death of the individual, etc. -- want to make resonably certain
 BM> is legit and correct.
 DS>   It'll go in via EFT to my bank account, as the last COVID-19
 DS> deal did. I'm hoping they'll approve another one soon. With the
 DS> August recess drawing nigh, you know Congress wants to get that
 DS> done before "they get out of Dodge for a month".

Yes, I wouldn't mind a little more 'free' money, though I do tend to 
wonder where this money is coming from.  Checkbooks only have so much 
black ink.

 DS>   Doesn't surprise me...especially in relation to "how to spend
 DS> your COVID-19 stimulus".
 BM> Did have a few of those -- more or less the underlying "you've got
 BM> 'extra' money, spend it wisely on me!".
 DS>   You'll win the lottery, and spend all the winnings on the
 DS> Sysop, and their BBS. <G>


 BM> Hmm: sticky-up mass of semi-reasonably conductive protoplasm, pushing
 BM> around a metal mass....  Good thing wearing sneakers and the lawn mover has
 BM> rubber wheels!!
 DS>   With the gasoline in it, any extra spark will cause an
 DS> explosive fire.

Just adds to the event!

 BM> Right on both, though not the reason behind the coin shortage.  I find
 BM> it easier to use a credit card for purchases over paying cash or
 BM> writing a check; OTOH I don't just stop at the corner convenience store and
 BM> buy a pop (soda).  OTOH if I'm planning on going to a street fest
 BM> or day-trip I'll take more cash and change with me (I do carry a little
 BM> cash with me as a matter of course).
 DS>   I had to pay a $2 charge for a prescription at the pharmacy the
 DS> other day. I didn't have any currency, but had $2.07 in the "coin
 DS> purse". I paid the bill, and put the 7 cents in a deal if folks
 DS> needed extra coinage (a few cents short). So, while there's a
 DS> LITTLE money in the bank, I'm basically broke otherwise right
 DS> now.

That was considerate of you.  There are people in worse situations.

 BM> Might be 'chips'.  "Chips are free" make make more sense if
 BM> interpreting as monay (thinking chips at a casino).  Still the wrong
 BM> hearing but does add interest!
 DS>   Or, "show me a home where the buffalo roam...and I'll show you
 DS> a home full of buffalo [dung]". :P

This carpet feels so soft and squishy!

 BM> Tuesday morning we had two torrential downpours -- only amounted to
 DS>   I had to go for my weekly Low-T shot Wednesday morning, and
 DS> while I was there, it poured like the dickens. Numerous
 DS> thunderstorms are forecast here Tuesday through the rest of next
 DS> week, so I'll likely be offline for a few days.

We've been under a "First Alert Day" this weekend: air temperature in
the low 90's and heat indices just over 100°.  Today (Sunday) more of 
the same.  Woke up to 76° which I think is the warmest wake-up-to 
temperature this year.

 BM> BTW the car's nice and clean thanks to Mother Nature's Turbo Car Wash!
 DS>   The birds always wait until you're done washing it, before they
 DS> bomb it!!
That way they new shot doesn't get confused and mingled with the old!

 DS>   That may be next. I guess they'll tell us what toilet paper to
 DS> use, and how much we should excrete. :P
 BM> The latter would be going too far; former a possibility as could
 BM> restrict what is sold and how much.  To me would be creating all sort
 BM> of civil disobedience issues.
 DS>   No [dung] -- or would that be plenty of it?? :P

Well I tend to create sufficient!


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