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Subject: Masks And Locations Date: Sun Jul 26 2020 09:02 am
From: Barry Martin To: Daryl Stout

Hi Daryl!

 DS>   Well, I have nocturia, but that comes from drinking over a half
 DS> gallon of green tea a day.
 BM> Could take an antidiuretic which woul defeat the purpose of all that
 BM> tea!
 DS>   I'd rather have the nocturia, than to worry about kidney
 DS> stones.
Oh I wouldn't worry about them not forming!  Just want to get rid of them before
they get to be a nuisance!

 BM> There are no rights to anything.  What we consider as 'rights' are
 BM> privileges earned for doing the right thing.
 DS>   Just like in one of the bulletins on the BBS. These "twits"
 DS> think it's their "right" to be on the system. No, it's a Sysop
 DS> given privilege. I consider myself a Visiting Sysop when I logon
 DS> to other systems, which is rare today. I have too much else going
 DS> on in life outside my hobbies.

Yes, in the early days of BBSing I remember reading something along the 
lines of once whould consider the conference area like a friend's living
room: make self comfortable but remember you are a guest.

 DS>   I've been wondering WHO (he's on first) was the player in right
 DS> field. :P
 BM> Probably something like 'Lefty'!
 BM> According to this site the position isn't listed.
 DS>   I looked at the site...interesting. It even had a recording of
 DS> the routine.

Just a nice little extra! :)

                         »                     «
                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «
                         »                     «
                         »  (Humans know what  «
                         »     to remove.)     «

... Your car is a lemon if spent more time on "60 Minutes" than on the road.
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