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Subject: newspaper was: moving or Date: Sat Jul 25 2020 08:38 am
From: Barry Martin To: Nancy Backus

Hi Nancy!

 NB>>> Nah.... More likely, he figured he'd given more than enough time...
 NB>>> maybe even twice how long he'd needed... ;)  Not a clue what newbies
 NB>>> would need... ;)
 BM>> And one of the problems with manuals and menus is the person/s
 BM>> creating them already know the answers!  Like "of course the shut down
 BM>> the computer it's under 'Start'!
 NB>> Exactly...  Another good reason as far I am concerned to stay with the
 NB>> known and not be quick to upgrade or change... in Dos, the most I need
 NB>> do (and that isn't even critical) is to logoff before I turn off the
 NB>> switch... nothing that the computer needs do to shut down cleanly....
 BM> Right.  Always good practice to logoff/shutdown properly.  Not always
 BM> possible: power failure or lockup, but when possible the few extra
 BM> seconds is worthwhile.
 NB> An added benefit is that doing it 'properly' will show if you
 NB> were shelled out and forgot about it... dumps you back... ;)

True: if in full screen mode would not see any reminder.  Here Virtual 
XP is almost full scrren: just the task bar to the left and whatever the
bar at the top is called are visible -- both more than enough reminder.
MythTV displays in full screen mode, so no reminders and so could 

 NB>>>> Some people would need the help... hard enough to figure out where
 NB>>>> the power key is on some things... ;)  And sometimes things aren't
 NB>>>> marked clearly, either by word or by symbol...
 BM>>> "On/Off", "1,0", that symbol with the O with the hole at the top and
 BM>>> the line coming in from the top.  Or as in the case with my monitor
 BM>>> none of the buttons are identified yet only one turns it on.
 NB>>> My point exactly... "On/off" is the only one that should be obvious to
 NB>>> anyone...  and even that confuses some... ;)
 BM>> See my 'stop under start'?!
 NB>> Well, yeah... that's Windows, and Windows is confusing by definition..
 BM> I can see through but can't go through (without damage).  ...Oh,
 BM> that's lower-cased windows.  ...Let's see, that upper-cased Windows --
 BM> I know what I want but can't get to it?!
 NB> Sounds about right... ;)

They did a few things which were smart but dumb at the same time.  When
altering a configuration file for instance I'll make a copy so the 
original will be available.  Somewhere along the years Windows stopped  directly
allowing the copy to be in the same subdirectory: had to put 
the copy in a different subdir and then move it.  IMO as long as a 
different dame shouldn't make any difference.

 NB>>> I think it was a toggle (worked either direction) on the one bbs I
 NB>>> was thinking about... but it could well be different from one software
 NB>>> to another....
 BM>> IMO ideally would be a toggle: the user could simply hit the same key
 BM>> to undo the action.  ...So if you ever come across "BarryMail" or
 BM>> BarryReader" you'll know exactly what to do!  (Send a nastygram 'cause
 BM>> that's the only part that works right!!!)
 NB>> Fortunately there are other working softwares out there already... ;)
 BM> Whew! Good, 'cause my version would be rather utilitarian-looking and
 BM> borrowing a lot of others' code.
 NB> And besides, you'd have to get past a lot of But Firsts to get
 NB> around to working on it.... ;)

You know me well!

 BM>> I'm not in disagreement as it would help to reduce spreading
 BM>> of the coronavirus, just seeing how it could be enforced. EU yes: each
 BM>> country is sort of like a U.S. state but independent so can make their
 BM>> own regulations.  U.S. states are independent but united; no border
 BM>> stations.  (Sloppy phrasings.)
 NB>> Yeah... I'm not sure how it's supposed to be enforced, either...
 NB>> Maybe just the threat of needing to be quarantined for 2 weeks is
 NB>> meant to deter thoughts of coming yet...  Or it's expected to be
 NB>> voluntarily followed.... I know a friend of mine from the Pond was
 NB>> saying that she'd not be able to come to the annual meeting since her
 NB>> daughter was flying in from San Diego the day before and needed to
 NB>> quarantine for two weeks... and maybe the officials at the airports
 NB>> can enforce it...?
 BM> My thinking is the various airport authorities could enforce --
 BM> probably more a choice of not allowed to disembark from the plane or
 BM> being detained/quarantined as opposed to not being allowed to board (though
 BM> should be advised of what will probably occur on the other
 BM> end).
 NB> I think I heard something about needing to provide destination
 NB> and tracking info, so maybe a quarantine in place at wherever one
 NB> is staying or whoever's place one is staying with...?

Possibly; can think of lots of holes in that option ==> "we'll just say
you were here in the house for two weeks, in the meantime we're going to
visit the beach, the museum...".

 BM> ...I don't know: something we're not used to at all here in the
 BM> U.S.  At this point no plans on flying anywhere much less taking longer
 BM> trips, so not paying attention to details but sort of keeping an eye on
 BM> things to keep aware.
 NB> Yeah, I hear you.... and lots of things we're not at all used to
 NB> here going on now....

And with the second wave of the coronavirus going on [continuation of
the initial infection; resurgence] I'm even less interesting in being
out in the general public.  At least in stores, or the ones I've been to
here there is a low customer count to can generally maintain social  distancing.

                         »                     «
                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «
                         »                     «
                         »  (Humans know what  «
                         »     to remove.)     «

... Depends on how much it abuses my intelligence and sensibilities.
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