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Subject: virus stuff w Date: Sat Aug 01 2020 10:11 am
From: Barry Martin To: Nancy Backus

Hi Nancy!

 NB>>> Always somebody hoping you'll fall for their product...
 BM>> Yes, and with coronavirus expense concerns on most people's minds a
 BM>> little extra opening in their spiel.
 NB>> Still doesn't work here...  ;)
 BM> Good! :)   BTW, message left on the answering machine yesterday was
 BM> the old one about being billed $399 for some computer service contract.
 BM> Haven't heard that one for a while!
 NB> Guess the new ones weren't working so they decided to recycle the
 NB> older ones... ;)

Ha ha!!  Last week was rather quiet as far as spam calls go.  Yesterday
had an 'oops' one: Caller ID said as from Georgia but the accent was
anything but Southern.  Let it go to the answering machine -- must have
been someone new to the game as when the answering machine started
recording could hear a female asking questions to at least two males.
Hard to hear as the phone's handset must have been put down, so either
on the desk or didn't get placed in the phone's cradle correctly.  Would
have been more interesting to listen to the playback if was in English!

 BM>> <chuckle>  Seems like when the carriers decided to add the subscriber
 BM>> name they didn't quite plan things out fully.  ...Would be 'funny' if
 BM>> they did have it almost right.  Would make sense to list the primary
 BM>> subscriber first, then the secondary, so:
 BM>> Jenny's Burgers
 BM>> Jenny's Burgers - Melissa Smith
 BM>> Jenny's Burgers - Thomas Smith
 BM>> And the CID system displays only the first field when the desired one
 BM>> is the second if available.
 NB>> Yup, the CID only displays the first however many characters... which
 NB>> is why my primary doctor's office comes up as RU Systems D/B/ instead
 NB>> of Unity Family Medicine (or better, UFM @ St.Mary's)... at least I
 NB>> recognize the number now... ;)
 BM> Right: only so many characters can be displayed.  And while the
 BM> number might be "Dr. Smith" for you it will be "Dr. Jones" for someone else
 BM> and another doctor for a third patient.  (I'm thinking of a group practice
 BM> within the hospital campus.)
 NB> I don't even think that the listing would go so far as naming the
 NB> particular doctor.... shown or not....

Maybe or maybe not: when working at the store they said if we dialled
911 they would know from which phone the call came, so if originated 
from the Children's Cash Wrap at the south entrance or Electronics in
the center.  OTOH we're talking about Caller ID, and programming to
display a specific doctor at a group practice would be quite a feat!

 BM>> At future 0 renewals I will mention, probably will have been taken
 BM>> care of automatically but better safe than sorry: the less last-second
 BM>> stuff the better!
 NB>> I tend to call things in, and often ask "at what date can I get this
 NB>> refilled" if it looks to me that maybe the insurance would be a
 NB>> little persnickety about it... :)  And sometimes the pharmacy can go
 NB>> ahead and get the new script even if it's still too early to fill
 NB>> right away....
 BM> I've been using my cell phone (!! -- well for me it's a '!!' <g>) to
 BM> be notified/check on prescriptions, etc.  Some things just easier to do
 BM> in person/via telephone (and that meaning talking to someone, not texting).
 NB> I've not gone to the text notifications.... I stay pretty much on
 NB> top of things anyway.... ;)

I try to stay on top; reminders are helpful. :)  Here with the pharmacy
information using the cell phone's ability to connect to the Internet and
so their web pages to check on refill status -- in that use easier and 
fasted than doing the same through the computer.  ...YMMV, of course! :)

 NB>>> If they don't nudge me first, I might mention it... at the moment, I'm
 NB>>> not even sure if the court is open or closed due to the Covid...  :)
 BM>> The judge is working from home and his offical robe on over his
 BM>> pajamas!
 BM>> I don't know if the courts around here have re-opened.  Last I heard
 BM>> was at the begining of the COVID-19 close-down and trials in progress
 BM>> were going to continue but no new ones started.
 NB>> And this is probate/surragates court, not a criminal or civil court...
 NB>> eventually, I'll probably call and find out if they are open, etc...
 NB>> but with our snag, no real need yet to push them... ;)
 BM> Right: if not ready/not needed no real reason to check if open.
 BM> Locally I would guess some court sessions being held, probably via
 BM> teleconferencing: traffic offenses, maybe small claims.
 NB> Possibly... not sure how jury trials would be done at this point, though...

I'm trying not to do anything to find out!

                         »                     «
                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «
                         »                     «
                         »  (Humans know what  «
                         »     to remove.)     «

... Do not date women who have served more jail time than you.
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