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Subject: FiberOptic semi-follow-up Date: Sat Aug 01 2020 10:11 am
From: Barry Martin To: Nancy Backus

Hi Nancy!

 NB>> But yes, I know what you mean about typing things out can get the
 NB>> brain working... and I'm used to being used as a sounding board even
 NB>> for things I have no clue about....  :)
 BM> As I mentioned some time before, sometimes the act of me explaining
 BM> (verbally or typing) the situation/project forces me to think
 BM> differently: I have to describe something the other person has little
 BM> to no clue about.  And even if they do know a little bit the explaining
 BM> at their level requires a thinking at a different level to create the
 BM> explanation.  So actually a compliment to person being the
 BM> soundingboard by the original person: the belief is soundingboard
 BM> person can be brought up to speed on the subject quickly and provide input.
 BM> ;)
 NB> Or even if there isn't any actual input, the rethinking on your
 NB> part might give some input anyway...  ;)

If the output of the soundboard person is "huh?" then there is a
rethinking on my part of them! <g>  But yes, doing something to alter
the thinking loop is sometimes necessary, especially when 
troubleshooting.  Also needed when sending stuff out into the real world
-- part is called 'beta testing'!

 BM>> And I had sort of found out from the second technician (the one who
 BM>> only had to install the router but his work ticket said a full install)
 BM>> they only have five hours of training.  Sort of makes sense: for that
 BM>> particular job "all" they do is string the fiber optic drop from the
 BM>> pole to the house, plug the fiber optic drop in to the box at the pole
 BM>> and the box on the side of the house, run another cable inside,
 BM>> connect that to another box inside...  Maybe the first tech had to go
 BM>> to the rest room at this point and missed the part about the router, or
 BM>> with a single computer it works but multiple like I have it needs that
 BM>> router.
 NB>> And maybe there were a lot of picky specifics that were only in the
 NB>> written handouts, and not part of the actual lectures... or they were
 NB>> mostly videos, and the techs tended to zone out... ;)
 BM> Possible!  Classroom troubleshooting scenarios are somewhat difficult
 BM> to create, though mine with a disconnecting Ethernet line seems easy
 BM> enough.  I'm not coming up with an easy way to forget about an entire
 BM> device (the Router).  Oh well, it's running quite nicely now. :)  And
 BM> the bill was adjusted to start from the Friday it properly connected
 BM> not the previous Monday of the installation.
 NB> Good that it is properly running now... and that they gave you a
 NB> credit for the time it wasn't quite...  :)

Yes - no problems.  Hasn't really had any 'acid tests' like power 
outages and stormy weather.  Well, did have those torrential downpours 
but I wasn't at the computer to see things working.  

 BM>>> Next step is to check if my fix gave me high-speed Internet!
 NB>>> And had it...?
 BM>> Yup! Ky gave me a test site: have 200 Mbps symetrical service.  The
 BM>> test showed 204 Mbps d/l and around 150 Mbps u/l.  With symmetrical the
 BM>> latter should also be in the 200 range but not going to whine about
 BM>> that: I could have easily screwed up the test as one isn't supposed to
 BM>> be running other stuff while the test is being conducted.  With DSL I
 BM>> could see when Pandora was updating the music as there was a slight
 BM>> slowdown with the test charting.
 NB>> Then I guess it's been worth it to upgrade to fiber...  ;)
 BM> In the interim I had uploaded a 'ton' of pictures -- with DSL would
 BM> have taken about 15-20 minutes; fiber optic took maybe two.  (I should
 BM> say the DSL service available to me was either 7 or 10 Mbps d/l and
 BM> something like 870 Kbps u/l.  There are faster DSL services but I can't get
 BM> them.)
 NB> Definitely worth it for you then.... ;)

Yes, and I think right now because of the pricing special the fiber 
optic is costing me about the same as DSL was.  I'm not sure: phone bill
is had to figure out: all those little taxes and regulatory fees and 
toss a credit in here and there just for the feel good factor.  Based on
what the customer service person said my future telephone bills would be
I'll only be paying about ten dollars more per month more.  (Old phone 
with DSL + $10 = New Phone + fiber optic.)

                         »                     «
                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «
                         »                     «
                         »  (Humans know what  «
                         »     to remove.)     «

... Out of a job? Can models be deposed?
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