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Subject: moving or not Date: Fri Aug 07 2020 07:59 am
From: Barry Martin To: Nancy Backus

Hi Nancy!

 BM> I'm trying to figure out what "moving or not" had referred to.
 BM> Neither one of us had considered relocating in the immediate past.
 NB> It was a long ago thread.... some purely speculative talk about
 NB> whether one might move (such as to downsize, or for some other
 NB> reason)... could well have been a more than a year or two old
 NB> thread.... just never changed the subject line.... :)

OK, thanks -- vaguely remember the discussion.  ...Packing and moving
would be a major pain!

 BM>> Not sure when this came up in the last week but the last few newscasts
 BM>> has announced people from Iowa would be quarantined for fourteen days
 BM>> if they were to visit New York (State) - that would blow most
 BM>> vacations! This morning's newscast said anyone coming from a state
 BM>> whose incidence rate is 10% will be quarantined; we only have 9.5%,
 BM>> which does round up. Not sure how they pull and quarantine -- go now
 BM>> and get put in a decent hotel for two weeks!
 NB>> I have no idea how they are enforcing, or plan to enforce, the
 NB>> quarantine of people coming from the various states on the list....
 NB>> I've almost thought it's just designed as a deterrent, so those people
 NB>> won't even try to visit until their states get lower enough.... As
 NB>> we've said, it isn't like we have border stations at all the roads
 NB>> that cross from state to state, like we do on the Mexican and Canadian
 NB>> borders.... But I've not done any traveling, even just within our
 NB>> state, since the shutdowns started.... so haven't acquired any
 NB>> first-hand data...
 BM> I was also thinking more of a 'puff up to size' bluff-type statement
 BM> but wouldn't want to and have no reason to test it.  Originally was
 BM> more thinking me and pleasure travel but what about business
 BM> travellers? Gentleman my Mother knows has a job with something with
 BM> aeronautics software (one only asks so much) -- years before COVID-19
 BM> he was able to do most from home, some an office, occasionally fly
 BM> somewhere to analyze and fix the problem first-hand.  Could just see
 BM> him having to be quarantined two weeks!
 NB> Essential workers appear to be exempt from the border
 NB> shutdowns... I recently read that instead of the quarantine, they
 NB> test those workers daily....

OK -- makes sense.  They (essential workers) could possibly have come in contact
with an instance of COVID-19 more readily because of travel or 
even at the office than a tourist who had been holed up at home so 
essentially isolated but have to draw the line somewhere.  And I was
also thinking of Chicago restricting access of tourists from certain 
states -- Iowa was included.  When I was a student (living in Iowa) I 
still had New Hampshire plates on the car and a NH ID -- if the Chicago
authorities were looking for IA plates I'd be let through!

(Not that I'm intending to flaunt the regulations, just holes in the

 BM>>> True, though not always due to adult reactions: I get a slight shiver
 BM>>> if I am going under an overpass if a large truck is going over me at
 BM>>> the same time.  No known reason, no fear, just that slight quiver.
 NB>>> The subconscious racing through all the possible scenarios.... ;)
 BM>> Probably due to some cartoon I saw or something equally semi-silly.
 BM>> No reaction if no vehicles going overhead at the time,  Car might cause
 BM>> a double-look type reaction.
 NB>> That sort of thing doesn't bother me, but I get a quiver walking
 NB>> over an open grate in a parking lot or sidewalk...  :)
 BM> That's from too many videos of ducklings following Mama Duck and they
 BM> fall through, needed to be rescued!
 NB> Nah.... but there is something triggering it for me... dunno
 NB> what...

The mind is a strange thing!

 BM>> I'll have to get working on my Raspberry Pi weather display project
 BM>> again.  ...Did a bit of snooping to see if something changed, mainly
 BM>> 'early century' hits (from 2011, etc.).  Did see one "telnet
 BM>> 3000" so tried that as not sure what '3000'
 BM>> does; I'd guess a designate a port which either would open the routine
 BM>> totally or redirect to a different one than default.  Like you got
 BM>> data stuck on May 17.
 NB>> Yup, and still there this morning when I checked...  :)
 BM> Apparently they haven't found which computer needs rebooting yet.
 NB> Or have decided to abandon the project after all...

Quite possible.  All sorts of possibilities come to mind.  ...Is still 
stuck, and was playing a bit :

   ATL (Atlanta)      17 May 2020     Forecast: Nov  2, 2019
   MLI (Moline,IL)    17 May 2020               may 17, 2020  (not a big
                           deal but noted lower case error: 'sun may 17'

BOS Boston prints the same dates and case errors.

 BM>> Command as above will give an ASCII icon of the current conditions
 BM>> (right now a drawing of a cloud), sky conditions, temperature, wind
 BM>> speed, visibility and rainfall amount.
 BM>> Leave from pipe to the end off and get a three day forecast at
 BM>> morning, noon, evening, and night.
 NB>> What would I put in to see the stats for Rochester NY...?
 BM> Um, Rochester?  (And now with the semi-smart-remp answer better try!)
 BM> barry@NZXT:~$ curl -s  | head -7
 BM> Weather report: rochester
 BM> \  /       Partly cloudy
 BM> _ /"".-.     75..80 °F
 BM> \_(   ).   ? 5 mph
 BM> /(___(__)  9 mi
 BM> 0.0 in
 BM> The question mark should be a NE-pointing arrow.
 BM> OK, should be the correct one: if remove the pipe and head commands
 BM> you'll get a three day detailed forecast and at the bottom is
 BM> "Location: Rochester, Monroe County, New York, United States of America
 BM> [43.157285,-77.6152139]".
 NB> Not sure I can replicate that.... but maybe.... ;)

When you feel better you can do a little research and maybe ask Richard 
for guidance.  ...Or installing: did a quick check to make sure it is a  Windows
command, or at least available (was thinking Linux it's 'curl' 
and Windows it's 'wave' [hair!], though I remember it as "see U R L").

 BM>> So as far as I know all of the computers in regular use have been
 BM>> updated and are connecting.  Yea! :)
 NB>> Good show.... ;)
 BM> LIS in an earlier message verified a little problem with the notebook
 BM> computer (the WiFi doesn't stay connected).  ...I may or may not
 BM> replace the module, though not sure that is specifically the problem.
 BM> Thinking may be overall better to get a USB WiFi adapter -- mainly
 BM> because could be used in other devices.
 NB> That does sound like a reasonable solution...

Cheaper and easier.  Especially easier as was reading replacing that 
part requires a major disassembly of the notebook, and then the little 
detail of the antenna: appears the dual band options uses two antennae 
-- makes sense but something I would have overlooked if just ordering an updated

 BM>> Still waiting on the gutters, etc.
 NB>> That will come in time.... hopefully.... ;)
 BM> And think I told you we almost had gutters.  During an initial project
 BM> the gutters had been either mis-measured or mis-typed as 5": they're
 BM> 6". Handwritten and notated correction made.  Apparantly never got
 BM> finalized as the guys were here for 5" gutters so that got stopped and
 BM> in process of being corrected.  (Who's doing the measuring?  We were
 BM> also short two bundles of shingles.)
 NB> Not so great....  Hopefully taken care of by now...?
Gutters have been replaced with the correct size.  They also replaced 
the damaged window sills/frame.  Still waiting on the screens, awnings, 
and siding.  As for the siding, they've supposed to replace a few panels
that were broken.  Had brought some but the wrong colour.

 BM>> My credit union sent out an e-mail announcement the lobby is open,
 BM>> practicing social distancing, etc., but I haven't needed to go yet so
 BM>> haven't seen in practice.  I go to the headquarters site and they have
 BM>> a huge lobby so we were practically practicing social distancing before
 BM>> anyway!
 NB>> I don't need to go more than about once a month or so... Richard goes
 NB>> once a week to move money around... ;)
 BM> Bet that makes the security guards nervous!  Visualizing them watching some
 BM> outsider taking a pile of bills from one shelf to another! <gg>
 NB> There's that overactive imagination of yours again.... He writes
 NB> the withdrawal info on the slip, deposits some in another account
 NB> that he writes checks on, keeps some cash for the week... ;)

Ah! <g>

                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «

... It's tax time! Some people make more deductions than Sherlock Holmes.
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