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Subject: Spring Has Sprung Date: Thu Aug 06 2020 08:38 am
From: Barry Martin To: Nancy Backus

Hi Nancy!

 BM>>> I would assume so but at the store (in the Mall) we didn't find out why
 BM>>> the power failure until later.  May have been announced on the radio,
 BM>>> may have called the Mall Office and the information didn't get passed
 BM>>> on or passed on in time.  Just all of a sudden it got really dark!
 NB>> Now that would be at best disconcerting...!  ;0  Did the Mall have
 NB>> emergency lighting, at least...?
 BM>> Barely: the store had the battery-powered emergency lights poking out
 BM>> of the ceiling but so had some light.  And of course being a big-box
 BM>> store no windows except for the various door entries.
 NB>> So at least you weren't in pitch-black dark...  :)  Just close... ;)
 BM> It was the 'just close'.  And once we figured out it was going to last
 BM> a while we just of settled in and got comfortable, including bringing
 BM> over some chairs from the Furniture Department.  (At least no one got
 BM> too comfortable by bringing over a lounger!)
 NB> Well, a lounger would have been a lot of effort... <G>

Locate a flashlight, go to the Dock to get a four-wheel cart, load the
lounger on to the cart....  You're right!!   (Actually there was
eventually a group in Furniture: "if the mountain not come to Mohammed
Mohammed come to mountain"!

 BM>> We did break out a few store items: battery-powered TV to find
 BM>> out what was going on (phones didn't work because they were powered by
 BM>> a computer and it's UPS didn't last long).  Flashlights from Hardware.
 NB>> Necessities...  ;)
 BM> Pretty much, and the battery-powered television probably was on display
 BM> so couldn't have been sold as new anyway, so mainly batteries and
 BM> flashlights as the expenses.
 NB> And the store wouldn't begrudge you those, given the
 NB> circumstances... :)

Not really. :)   Plus wasn't like everyone had their own flashlight so 
we kept costs down.

 BM>> Yes, I was thinking similarly.  The idea of only eating something
 BM>> (for lack of better words right now) 'expelled voluntarily' like milk
 BM>> and eggs does sort of make sense.  Vegetables and fruit theoretically
 BM>> don't have a soul like animals, so that has some logic to my way of
 BM>> thinking also.  When I get to fish I have a bit of a confusion as to
 BM>> me they're animals, so have a soul (and one even a sole! <rs!>)  So
 BM>> while I go back to gnawing on my turkey leg I'll let them not eat what
 BM>> they're uncomfortable eating.  If we're eating together and they prefer
 BM>> I don't eat the turkey I'll have the fish.
 NB>> My only vegetarian friend doesn't mind other people eating whatever,
 NB>> she just has an aversion to the taste of meat, especially chicken...
 NB>> she also has some aversion to rice... ;)
 BM> Hadn't heard of an aversion to the taste/consistency of rice though
 BM> could understand: some rice does have an odd 'tongue reaction'.  As
 BM> for your friend, seems more of a response to what she interprets as an
 BM> undesirable taste in chicken and meat; guessing fish might be OK
 BM> because either they live in water as opposed to on land or just the
 BM> diet is different.
 NB> I forget if she's willing to eat fish or not... I know she's at
 NB> least ovo-lacto-vegetarian.... :)

Initially I was thinking the 'ovo' part was contradictory but checked 
and all eggs aren't fertile, so therefore not eating something alive or
potentially alive still holds.  ...OK, modify that to 'animal'.

 BM>> I was probably thinking kielbasa: three or four brands available and
 BM>> one is rather mushy and so-so on flavour.  Not as mushy as in wet
 BM>> oatmeal, is firm just too finely ground.  Of course that's the one
 BM>> that comes up on sale frequently!
 NB>> Trying to get it to move, eh...?  Not really a bargain if you
 NB>> don't care for the taste and texture... ;)
 BM> Right.  I suppose other people prefer that taste and consistency to
 BM> the one we prefer -- just another to have different brands available
 BM> and to try different brands if "close but no cee-gar".
 NB> Doesn't hurt to have variety... ;)

May find one like better, or is good for a change,  Bought some
braunschweiger a couple of weeks ago; brand usually get.  This 
particular one wasn't that good: flavour off slightly (not bad off, the  taste),
plus seemed to have a swirl of hardness: couldn't see anything 
but there was a consistency difference.

 BM> As for the computers here, everyone is up except for my old laptop. Haven't
 BM> tried yet, and I'm not expecting any problems.  Some of the
 BM> 'old laptop time' got tied up with the newer notebook and some problems
 BM> I sort of rediscovered it had.  In general the new notebook works fine,
 BM> Main issue is its WiFi connection drops after a few minutes (something
 BM> overheats?).  Not due to the connection as tried with the fiber optic
 BM> one.  For now the notebook is just going to be tethered to Ethernet.
 BM> The old laptop has worked fine and is the one I brought to Vienna, so
 BM> no issues with WiFi.
 NB> You'll get it all sorted out.... ;)
Did.  Got a dual-band dongle for the notebook (the newer of the two 
devices) and after downloading and installing a driver works fine.  Only problem
is now it needs that sticky-out thing to function properly 
(well, wirelessly) -- something that needs to be careful of when using 
on battery.  Doesn';t stick out all that far, but of course anything 
sticking out will get hit!

 BM>> ... Reading glasses will tend to disappear like single socks in the
 BM>> dryer.
 NB>> That's why they sell them in lots of 6, 10 and 12.... <G>
 BM> Only works if the entire pack or at least several match.
 NB> Oh, I was talking about the packs of reading glasses, not of
 NB> socks... ;)

Oh.  I don't recall seeing packs of reading glasses.  Does make sense: I
have several scattered throughout the house to be handy.

 BM> OTOH Autumn does like to wear 'blended' socks: same shade of purple
 BM> and pink, or both socks will have unicorns, for instance.
 NB> So they match, just not quite as expected.... ;)

Or at least expected by adult minds!  Lately she has been wearing 
matching socks, though they are new....

                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «

... What is the exactly is the price of fame? Does it ever go on sale?
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